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Pay huge compensation to the families affected in the Zagreb earthquake


As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on May 5, 2020, the Croatian government must fund the repair of chimneys and boilers by paying 20,000 kuna per family that suffered from the devastating Zagreb earthquake more than forty days ago.

The welcome ruling announced the introduction of a special law to help rebuild after the Zagreb earthquake, but of course, everyone is now wondering when this law will come to light.

Construction Minister Predrag Stromar also said when it can be expected.

“On March 22nd, we immediately began drafting this law and we said we would not just let people defend themselves. [in regard to the Zagreb earthquake]. We have done everything and know how much it will cost all. In the next week or two, we will make all the decisions we need to make in order to anticipate the funds, and once the law goes into effect, we will be able to start paying those funds. It must be passed in the supplementary budget, we must have it in our account. It will be very soon, within a week or two, Predrag Stromar said in an interview with RTL Danas.

He does not agree with the statement we have been waiting for to introduce this law for a long time.

“Some people asked me why this law was completed so quickly. The law has been completed, and it is ready, and it is underway, in a few days it will be put on the public debate, then from the public debate to parliament. We talked to those in the profession, there Some different ideas on how to solve problems. We said we will help and help people. We have reached an agreement with everyone, with the Prime Minister, with the ministers, with those in the profession, with the rooms … So, here we are, the law is ready. Parliament soon, with a maximum of seven, maybe eight to ten days, ” Stromer said, adding that he expected members of parliament To vote on the law before its dissolution due to the upcoming parliamentary elections.

“this is the law [on the damage caused by the Zagreb earthquake] Very important for people. It is important for them to know when their homes will be renewed every day [which passes] The minister said they are important to them.

Commenting on the upcoming parliamentary elections, Stromer said that HNS will first hold its internal party elections on May 24, when it will elect a new president and a new party leadership.

“We will talk to the smaller parties, those with a similar program, and the most similar with us,” said Stromer.

To learn more about the Zagreb earthquake, follow our Lifestyle page. To learn more about the local political scene, follow the policy page.


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