DHEC: How to prevent mosquito bites and virus infections | News
Greenville, South Carolina (FOX Carolina)-National Mosquito Control Awareness Week.
Greenville’s mosquito squad and Billy Scale say the season is on the rise.
“It was a really big season for mosquitoes,” Scale said.
It’s the second day of summer. And if you’re outside, especially near water, it’s likely that you’ve been bitten or somehow ever tried to avoid bugs.
Shimon Oi tries to prepare as much as possible.
“Usually I just try to turn it off! Or spray all sorts of insect repellent sprays, and usually they’re fine, but I can be a little more careful,” Oi said.
Oi wore shorts while visiting his hometown of Upstate from Cincinnati.
“I came to Greenville like two days ago. I was used to cicadas, so I thought there were no bugs anywhere. When I thought,” Oh, that’s okay, “I was bitten by a mosquito. On my feet, “said Oi.
According to DHEC, there are 61 species of mosquitoes in our state. Not all of them chew, but chews can cause serious health problems by spreading the disease.
“I’ve heard about West Nile virus. I try to be as conscious as possible, but I think I was a little careless this time,” says Oi.
According to DHEC, this is not only West Nile virus, but also Eastern equine encephalitis virus, Lacrosse encephalitis virus, St. Louis encephalitis virus, and dog / cat heartworm. Scale says the business is already starting to pick up.
“I think there are higher bite rates than we’ve seen in the past season. The number of people looking for services to control them is undoubtedly skyrocketing,” Scale said.
The American Mosquito Control Association recommends three “Ds” to keep mosquitoes away.
- drain: Empty the water container at least once a week.
- dress: Wear long sleeves, long trousers, and light-colored loose clothing.
- protect: Catnip oil, citronella / citronella oil, DEET, IR 3535, lemon eucalyptus oil, picaridin, 2-undecanone, or Permethrin-treated clothing.. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product label for all repellents.
“Clean the gutters as well. It’s a large breeding ground for mosquitoes,” Scale said.
DHEC also states that pet and livestock owners should take steps to protect their animals. Last year, from June 24th to December 4th, DHEC detected Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) virus in 17 horses in 10 counties, 13 of which occurred in the summer. Vaccines are effective in protecting horses from EEE and West Nile fever. Pet and livestock owners should consult a veterinarian.
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