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Vulnerable children need to get priority for Covid vaccine: Experts | 1 News

Vulnerable children need to get priority for Covid vaccine: Experts | 1 News
Vulnerable children need to get priority for Covid vaccine: Experts | 1 News


The government is being asked to rethink the Covid-19 vaccine program. Currently, Medsafe has given a green light for children up to the age of 12 to receive Pfizer injections.

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Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance Aotearoa’s Graham Lugro says it is a positive step in the country’s expansion.Source: Breakfast

Katie Todd

Health leaders are happy, but some want their children to line up.

Provisional green mites from Medsafe mean that 265,000 people aged 12 to 15 years may be eligible for the Covid vaccine.

Among those who admire the decision are the charity Cure Kids.

Last year, it was found that 35% of children’s acute hospitalizations were due to respiratory infections.

Hospitalization rates were higher for people in poorer areas who were more likely to live in overcrowded, cold and damp homes.

In March, Cure Kids CEO Frances Benge sent a letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern urging him to do more to protect his children from Covid-19.

“Therefore, this recent news that Medsafe has approved for use between the ages of 12 and 15 is really exciting and gives those children additional protection from further deterioration of their health,” she said.

The child receives the vaccine. Source:

However, children may wait for a shot as the government plans to roll out a general population vaccine from July 28 to 60 years and older and from August 11 to 55 years and older. There is.

Benji said the children shouldn’t be in the last row.

“If these kids are in a vulnerable situation with inequality, I don’t think it should be age-ordered. It’s our vulnerable people, and the ones we should prioritize,” she said. Said.

Professor Des Gorman of the University of Auckland School of Medicine agreed.

“I have a healthy child between the ages of 12 and 15 who should be vaccinated tomorrow,” he said.

In addition, he said leaving children to the end can exacerbate the problem of vaccine hesitation-it is already more common among young people.

Gorman wants 95% of children aged 12 to 15 to be vaccinated, but according to the latest Ministry of Health survey, only 55% of caregivers allow their children to be vaccinated.

16% said they would “never allow” from 10% in April.

“One of the unintended consequences of the last vaccinated youth in New Zealand is to send them a message that we don’t want to send, that is, even if they are vaccinated, they are the last It doesn’t really matter if you get vaccinated. Queue, they are the least important, “Gorman said.

The Prime Minister said Covid-19 generally did not affect children as seriously as adults, but there were cases of children abroad getting sick.

Children can also be infected with Covid, a factor considered by Canada, the United States, Europe and Japan when approving the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12 to 15.

Vaughan Couillaut, principal of Papatoetoe High School, said that was the reason he made his 14-year-old daughter “more than happy” to get it.

“For the same reason, I get the flu shot. I rarely get the flu shot, but I get the flu shot to protect my parents who are more vulnerable than me,” he said. I got the flu.

“The sooner we can recover the economy, open the borders, visit families abroad, repatriate all of them, and regain as much business as usual, the better it is for everyone. That’s a good thing. “

He is optimistic that the school community will do the same after tackling the outbreak of Covid-19 in February.

“My own school community here at Papatoe Toe High School has already been very supportive of what the director of health has asked them in the past, especially until February,” he said.

“I think people will make decisions that benefit everyone if they have the right information at the right time and at the right time.”


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