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In a comprehensive COVID center

In a comprehensive COVID center


“Today is the 464th day,” says Patrick Maria.

Maria, 38, is about to celebrate Father’s Day, which has been plagued by months of long-distance COVID symptoms.

“My five-year-old is particularly worried. His biggest concern is the death of his dad,” he said.

The change from healthy to chronically unhealthy is scary.Long-distance COVID Associated with High risk of death. And, like many, Maria wants to return to something close to normal.

His days ranged from running between two jobs, going to school and catching up with two young children, to chest pain, shortness of breath, and 14 to 16 hours of sleep at a time.

I had a hard time finding out why he wasn’t getting better.

“I’ve seen all sorts of professionals I can imagine, and it’s like” I don’t know what to do with you. ” So that was a difficult part, “he told Newsy.

“We don’t really focus a lot of medicine and care on this long-distance population,” Dr. Charles Davidson tells Newsy.

Davidson oversees the Comprehensive COVID-19 Center at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital in downtown Chicago.

The second in the United States, it opened in December 2020.

To date, we have seen more than 1,100 patients and hundreds more are willing to accept them. Currently, it takes 1-3 months to get a reservation.

Lindsey Theis: “Tell me a little about the patient you are looking at.”

Davidson: “Only about 14 or 15% were actually hospitalized. Two-thirds are women, with an average age of less than 50.”

What is the difference between these comprehensive clinics? Here, patients are evaluated and cases are reviewed by an entire team of experts according to their symptoms. From lungs to brain, from heart to kidneys, from blood to mental health..

However, such a comprehensive COVID center at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago is rare.

“Currently, there are about 40 such centers. I find it difficult for patients to actually find these centers. There are many places to pop up, many have lung or neurological clinics, but not necessarily. That’s not always the case, are they working together? “

Dr. Mark Sarah, a CCC pulmonologist at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital, said:

Sarah sees patients like Patrick Maria as: He says, the fog in the brain. Sometimes lasts more than 9 months. His greatest frustration: he can’t give a better answer.

For now, all they can do is look at all the symptoms and patterns of the patient and try the drugs commonly used for other illnesses for that purpose. And many tests to make sure there is nothing worse than the underlying.The important thing here is to inform the patient Put up with..

“I hope people with long COVIDs will feel better. For many, it will take a very long time. But I please do not There are a lot of patients who aren’t getting better and that gives me great hope, “said Sarah.

For Maria, it made all the difference. He knows there is a long way to go. But now, knowing that, he has some new optimism.

“I got good information, I have a plan of action, something like that, and it really helped,” he said.

Newsy’s Lindsey Theis first reported this story.


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