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When the infection begins, the fluorescent sensor glows brightly under UV light-ScienceDaily

When the infection begins, the fluorescent sensor glows brightly under UV light-ScienceDaily


Researchers have developed a smart wound dressing with a built-in glowing nanosensor to alert patients when the wound is not healing properly.

The multifunctional antibacterial dressing features a fluorescent sensor that glows brightly under UV light when the infection begins and can be used to monitor the progress of healing.

Developed by a team of scientists and engineers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, the smart dressing takes advantage of the strong antibacterial and antifungal properties of magnesium hydroxide.

Although they are cheaper to make than silver-based dressings, they are just as effective in fighting bacteria and fungi, and their antibacterial activity lasts up to a week.

Project leader Dr. Vi Khanh Truong said the development of cost-effective antibacterial dressings with built-in healing sensors would be a major advance in wound healing.

“Currently, the only way to check the progression of a wound is to remove the bandages, which are both painful and risky, giving the pathogen an opportunity to attack,” said Truong, a postdoctoral fellow at RMIT. I am.

“The smart dressing we have developed not only fights bacteria, reduces inflammation and promotes healing, but also has glowing sensors to track and monitor infections.

“Easy to see if something goes wrong reduces the need for frequent dressing changes and helps better protect the wound.

“We hope that further research will make our multifunctional dressings part of a new generation of low-cost magnesium-based technology for advanced wound care.”

Next-generation wound dressing

The global advanced wound dressing market is currently valued at an estimated $ 6.9 billion, by 2028 due to demand driven by innovation, an increasing number of surgeries, and rising chronic prevalence. It is expected to grow to $ 100 million. Chronic diseases such as wounds, diabetes and cancer.

Magnesium is known to be highly antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and biocompatible, but there are few practical studies on how it can be used on medically relevant surfaces such as dressings and bandages.

New research published in ACS Applied Materials and InterfacesWorked with its lead author, Dr. Adam Truskewycz (now the University of Bergen, Norway), to develop the first fluorescent magnesium hydroxide nanosheets that can be contoured to the curves of bandage fibers.

The research team synthesized nanosheets that are 10,000 to 100,000 times thinner than human hair and embedded them in nanofibers.

Magnesium hydroxide nanosheets respond to changes in pH, making them ideal for use as sensors to track healing.

Healthy skin is naturally slightly acidic, but infected wounds are moderately alkaline.

Under UV light, nanosheets glow brightly in alkaline environments, decline in acidic conditions, and exhibit different pH levels that indicate the stage of wound healing.

Nanosheets can be easily incorporated into biocompatible nanofibers. That is, it can be applied to a standard cotton bandage.

Laboratory tests have shown that magnesium hydroxide nanosheets are non-toxic to human cells while at the same time destroying new pathogens such as drug-resistant staphylococci and Candida auris.

Scalable and cost effective

Truong said the process of making fluorescent nanosheets can be easily extended to potential mass production.

“Usually, antibacterial wound dressings begin to lose performance after a few days, but our research shows that these new bandages can last up to 7 days,” he said. ..

“And because magnesium is so rich compared to silver, our advanced dressings can be up to 20 times cheaper.”

The research team is enthusiastic about working with clinicians to further advance the technology through preclinical and clinical trials.

This study was supported by the Australian-American Fulbright Program.





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