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WHO and Global Fund sign cooperation agreement to increase HIV, TB and malaria interventions and strengthen health systems

WHO and Global Fund sign cooperation agreement to increase HIV, TB and malaria interventions and strengthen health systems
WHO and Global Fund sign cooperation agreement to increase HIV, TB and malaria interventions and strengthen health systems


The World Health Organization and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have signed a co-operation and funding agreement to implement 10 strategic initiatives to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as an epidemic and strengthen health systems. The aim of this new agreement, which will cover the implementation period 2021-2023, is to address some of the ongoing challenges hampering progress against the three diseases and protecting the hard-earned gains from new pandemics such as COVID-19.

In 2019, a total of 1.4 million people died from tuberculosis, and an estimated 409,000 people died from malaria. In 2020, 690,000 people died from AIDS-related diseases.

Through the new agreement, strategic initiatives seek to:

  • Expand TB prevention treatment for people living with HIV in 9 countries across Africa;
  • Strengthen efforts to provide differentiated provision of HIV services;
  • Accelerate efforts to locate people with TB who have been missed by health systems in 20 countries;
  • Accelerate the introduction of innovations for the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB through regional operational research in Eastern and Central Europe;
  • Support 26 countries and territories in eliminating malaria by 2025;
  • Improve data collection and use in countries to develop evidence-based policies;
  • Encourage the rapid adoption of innovations in the provision of South-South learning services;
  • Improve the quality of care;
  • Encourage the rapid adoption of innovations in procurement and supply chain management; and
  • Increase the sustainability of the program, facilitate the transition to domestic funding and improve the effectiveness of the program.

The WHO and the Global Fund have a long and successful partnership working together to increase interventions against HIV, TB and malaria and to strengthen health systems in many countries. Through focused efforts and catalytic investment, this collaboration has contributed to a significant reduction in the burden of HIV, TB and malaria worldwide, saving millions of lives since 2002.

“The COVID-19 pandemic more than ever reinforces the need to strengthen our partnership to achieve common goals of ending epidemics,” said Dr. Mubashar Sheikh, Director, Deputy Office of the Director-General, WHO. “This agreement supports countries to develop more effective responses to the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria and to build the resilient health systems needed to reach the most vulnerable.”

“Together, the WHO and the Global Fund have proven to be a strong force based on strong support in the country and regional presence, technical leadership and financial resources to strengthen health systems and accelerate the end of AIDS, TB and malaria as epidemics,” he said. is Michael Byrne, Head of Technical Advice and Partnerships at the Global Fund. “This new agreement will help overcome the multiple challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, protect and expand programs for HIV, TB and malaria.”




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