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COVID-19: Huron Youth-Perth was encouraged to seek a second dose as Ontario expanded its eligibility

COVID-19: Huron Youth-Perth was encouraged to seek a second dose as Ontario expanded its eligibility


The state has announced that young people aged 12 to 17 are eligible to accelerate their second dose in Ontario from Monday, but the group can already book their appointments in Huron and Perth counties.

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The state has announced that young people aged 12 to 17 are eligible to accelerate their second dose in Ontario from Monday, but the group can already book their appointments in Huron and Perth counties.


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The Hurompers Department of Public Health announced Friday, some of which are also part of previous priority groups such as key workers, so the Hurompers booking system was previously set up to accelerate a second dose of young people. It had been.

A youth clinic became available in Hurompers last month, but members of that age group have a second time at any available clinic, as long as they wait at least 28 days between doses. You can make a reservation.

The mRNA vaccine, Pfizer, is currently the only vaccine approved for young people.

“Vaccination of young people provides strong protection against COVID-19, including delta types, and supports safe return to school and other activities,” said a health officer in the area. One Miriam Classen said.

The National Advisory Board on Immunity has updated the guidance on the use of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for “very rare” reports of myocardial inflammation, especially in young men, after vaccination in Canada and abroad.

In a statement on Friday, the country’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, the National Advisory Board strongly recommended that all eligible individuals, including those over the age of 12, be provided with a complete series of mRNA vaccines. I’m continuing. “

However, the Commission’s recommendations for those who have experienced myocarditis (inflammation of the muscles of the heart) or pericarditis (inflammation of the sac where the heart is inside the chest) have more information after the first dose of the mRNA vaccine. Waiting for availability before getting seconds.


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“(The National Commission) will continue to monitor evolving evidence and update its recommendations as needed,” Tam said.

According to the public health of Hurompers, the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine continue to outweigh the risks.

“At this time, the Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada have not seen higher rates of these conditions than would normally be expected due to other causes of the general public,” said the Health Unit. “A clear causal relationship has not been established between myocarditis (or) pericarditis and the mRNA vaccine.”

As of Friday, 54% of Hurompers adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 were receiving their first dose, according to health unit data. Nearly 75% of Hurompers residents over the age of 18 receive a single vaccination and 37% are fully vaccinated.

“We are very pleased with the vaccine intake in our area,” said Classen. “But the single dose range for people under the age of 50 has peaked, which means that most of our population remains susceptible to COVID-19. First dose. If you haven’t received it yet, we recommend that you book as soon as possible, and once you qualify, we recommend that you prioritize your second dose. “

Ontario reported 200 new cases of COVID-19 and 9 new deaths on Friday.

Waterloo, 23 Toronto, and 21 Peel, with 41 new cases reported on Friday, continue to be the most devastated areas in the state.

Hurompers Public Health reported three new cases on Friday. According to health unit statistics, there were 10 active cases in the area on Friday.


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The new figures have increased the total number of COVID cases in Ontario to 545,381 and their deaths to 9,196 since January 2020. There are 11,452 active cases in the state.

There were 179 COVID patients in Ontario hospitals on Friday, but about 10% of hospitals did not submit daily bed census figures. The ICU has 252 patients with COVID-related illnesses, 160 of whom use ventilators.

In addition, a total of 15,154,499 vaccines were administered 145,674 times across the state during the 24 hours until Thursday evening. The number of fully vaccinated Ontarians increased by 134,729 to 5,185,939.

-Use Postmedia News and Canadian Press files

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