New York City Travelers Initiated Second Coronavirus Wave: Report
Scientists have found that travelers leaving New York at various locations in the United States accounted for many of the causes of the second wave of coronaviruses in the country.
New York Times Researchers tracking the genetic makeup of the virus now believe that many interspersed outbreaks of America’s regions had roots in New York, reported Thursday.
“It means we missed the boat early on, and much of this country comes from domestic expansion,” said Christian Andersen, professor of microbiology and immunology at Scripps Research. Told the paper. “I’ve heard it’s the fault of others. It’s not true. It’s not our fault, it’s our fault.”
“We now have enough data to be convinced that New York is the main gateway to the rest of the world,” added Nathan Gourbeau of the Yale School of Public Health.
Grubo further estimated that as many as 60-65% of U.S. coronavirus cases could date back to New York as of May, and measures previously taken in the largest cities in the U.S. spread the virus. It suggests that it could have been prevented.
The state of New York ordered a blockade procedure in late March, especially state officials accused of slow pace of action taken at shutter bars and other public places, which are considered to be virus hotspots. It was. New York Governor Andrew CuomoAndrew CuomoKansas Farmer Sends N95 Mask to Cuomo for University Degree New York had fewer new COVID-19 cases than California on Tuesday Poll: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut majority not ready to resume economy More (D) Initially resisted closing New York City schools during the crisis, but later reversed the course.
Cellular phone data analyzed by The Times points to areas around the United States following the influx of travelers from New York State. The newspaper said the majority of the trip began two weeks before city officials placed home orders.
When asked about the data, a White House spokesperson probably blamed the news media for using the issue to criticize it. President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump’s ally appointed as the next postmaster Biden said it would upset Devoss rules to strengthen the protection of people accused of sexual assault on the campus. Reopen America, lift SALT restrictions More‘S response to the pandemic refers to the ban on Trump from travel from Europe, where the New York epidemic is believed to have begun.
“President Trump should block travel from Europe from his health and infectious disease experts, just as he acted early to block travel from virus sources. Advised-He took decisive action without delay to save lives during the Democratic Party and the media criticized him, and the global health community still fully understood the level of infection or spread. I didn’t, “Judd Deer told the Times.
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