UNB’s new long-term care simulation lab to investigate how viruses like COVID-19 spread in the facility-New Brunswick
The University of New Brunswick cut the ribbon on Monday at a state-of-the-art research facility at St. John’s Rock Lawmond Villa.
The $ 420,000 lab hopes to provide a simulated care facility environment and facilitate research into how viruses like SARS-CoV-2 cause it. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection), Can spread in.
“This lab is designed to mimic the typical double-living room of a long-term care facility,” said Dr. Rose McCloskey, a professor of nursing and health sciences at UNB.
From the corridors to the realistic robot mannequins that breathe, blink and talk, the space is much like the one in the Lomond Villa itself, but with a large bidirectional mirror that you can observe.
Lab development was progressing rapidly in the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a time of challenge for the long-term care department.
“It was a whole new thing,” says Cindy Donovan, CEO of Loch Lomond Villa.
“Every day was a new day in terms of what government and public health regulations are and how we must respond to them.”
The $ 200,000 fund for the lab comes from the COVID-19 Exceptional Opportunity Fund of the Federal Canadian Innovation Foundation.
The New Brunswick Post Secondary Education, Training and Labor sector has chipped $ 50,000 and the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation has donated $ 68,565.
An additional $ 50,000 comes from the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation.
Bid Construction, LTD, which worked on the construction of the space, also chipped $ 50,000.
The construction itself took more than four months since the construction started in January.
Loch Lomond Villa donated 3,600 square feet of facility for a project built on what was once an auditorium.
Its beginnings originated from the COVID-19 pandemic, but its potential goes beyond the end of New Brunswick’s expected pandemic protocol.
“My belief is that COVID needs to stay here and learn how to live with COVID,” says Donovan.
“If it’s not COVID, it’ll be another virus, so that’s how we worked on it.”
For now, it’s mainly used by McCloskey and other UNB nursing science faculty members, but she says she hopes it will also be used for industry testing in new product development.
McCloskey states that concrete data should be available in 6-12 months.
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