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Common Fence Music Creative Director Leaves – Entertainment – The Newport Daily News


Erin Young has held this position since August 2016, but will pursue other professional opportunities

PORTSMOUTH – Erin Young, artistic director of Common Fence Music since August 2016, is stepping down.

Young "will leave the organization in early April 2020 to dedicate time to other professional interests," said a media statement to the media on Friday. Ed Nary, who founded Common Fence Music in 1993, will temporarily replace the role of Young.

During his tenure as artistic director of the not-for-profit performing arts sector, Young changed the programmatic vision while expanding the organization's folk and world music concert series to Hope & Main at Warren and at the Casino Theater in Newport.

Showcasing a range of emerging young talents, including Tony Award winner Anais Mitchell, and GRAMMY nominee Amythyst Kiah, her artistic choices have brought fresh and renewed vitality to the series, which is now approaching its third decade. With a focus on strengthening the community, she made an effort to increase public participation and create more opportunities for participants to engage with the artists.

"Our team has grown and we are very fortunate to have community members investing their time and professional expertise in CFM in new ways," said Young in the release.

Young has faced challenges during her 3 years as artistic director. The show's main venue – the Common Fence Point Community Hall – was closed for renovation throughout the 2018-19 concert season, forcing the show to a tumultuous year on the road.

"The past year has certainly been scary and difficult for us logistically and financially," said Young. “But it strengthened us, encouraged us to think collectively outside the box. I think we feel even more like a family that went through this time together.

"And now that we are back at CFP Arts, Wellness & Community Center, our home, we have seen a renewed interest in the concert series and the educational work that we are doing in a very exciting way. . I am confident that CFM will continue to prosper in the years to come. "

After serving in the Navy, Nary founded Common Fence to provide the community of Portsmouth with access to quality folk music performances throughout the year. "He brings an unrestrained passion for music, crossing genres and lively in live musical environments," the statement said.

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