1 in 25 children admitted with COVID-19 develop neurological complications: UK study

Tom Yun
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Toronto, OntarioCTV network) — A new study in the United Kingdom shows that children hospitalized with COVID-19 are much more likely to develop rarer neuropathy than adults.
The study “Neurological Symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in UK Hospitalized Children and Adolescents: A Prospective National Cohort Study” of 1,334 UK children and adolescents under the age of 18 admitted with COVID-19 It was made. April 2020 and February 2021. It was featured in Lancet Child and Adolcent Health on Wednesday, led by researchers at the University of Liverpool.
Of the 1,334 children studied, the researchers identified 52 children with neurological complications, or 3.8 percent of the study group. For adults hospitalized with COVID-19, the prevalence of neurological complications is only 0.9%, according to current data.
A pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (more commonly known as MIS-C or multiple system inflammatory syndrome) that is temporarily associated with SARS-CoV-2 also develops in a cohort of 52 children. There were 25 people who did. MIS-C is a rare but dangerous condition that causes inflammation in various parts of the body and is predominantly observed in school-age children hospitalized with COVID-19.
Researchers have found that 25 children with MIS-C are more likely to develop multiple severe neurological complications such as stroke, behavioral changes, hallucinations, and encephalopathy. This is a term that refers to brain damage or illness. They were also more likely to require intensive care than children with neurological complications who did not have MIS-C.
“Many of the identified children were very ill,” co-author Dr. Rachel Nene said in a news release. “Although their risk of death is low, half need intensive care support and one-third have been identified as having neuropathy. Many are on complex medications and treatments, and many If you aim to control your own immune system. “
On the other hand, children found to develop neurological complications without MIS-C develop Guillain-Barré syndrome, a neurological disorder that causes seizures, brain inflammation, mental illness, and limb weakness and tingling sensations. I tended to get sick.
Race has been found to be another risk factor for neurological complications. Of the 52 children in the study with neurological complications, 20 were black and 16 were Asian, accounting for more than two-thirds of the cohort. Black and Asian children were also diagnosed with MIS-C and were more likely to experience more serious symptoms. In the MIS-C cohort, 14 children (56%) were black and 8 children (32%) were Asian.
There were also eight children who were found to be infected with COVID-19 after PCR because they showed only neurological symptoms and were otherwise asymptomatic.
Researchers said this underscores the importance of viral testing in all children hospitalized for neuropathy.
The short-term results of children with neurological complications appear to be mostly positive. After 1-6 months, the researchers followed up on all patients who participated in the study, with 65% recovering and symptoms not continuing, but 33% still had some degree of neuropathy. One child who was part of the MIS-C cohort died.
Researchers say more data is needed to study the long-term effects of COVID-19 on the developing brain.
“We recognize that COVID-19 can cause a wide range of brain complications and lifelong disabilities in children hospitalized with the disease. Studies to understand the immune mechanisms that drive this. Is urgently needed, “said co-author Dr. Benedict Michael.
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