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Business fate may hang with Covid-19 trace app


New Delhi: The new Corona virus tracking mobile phone application will help business and vacation travelers decide whether to meet clients or visit their favorite beaches this summer. But politics and disagreements about which system to use can thwart that solution.
Governments such as Europe are turning to voluntary mobile apps to track potential coronavirus infections. This tool will help track and contain what is expected of the virus reoccurring once the lockdown measures are lifted and people begin to fly internationally.
But authorities, airlines, and experts say they are worried that some countries, such as the United Kingdom and France, are working on systems that are fundamentally incompatible with other countries, such as Germany and Austria.
Coronavirus Outbreak: Live Update
The European Union’s technical emperor, Margrete Vestajar, revealed this issue to members of the European Parliament this week: “Without interoperability, we cannot travel,” she said.
In Europe, where travel between Block 27 countries has been restricted in recent weeks, at least the authorities agree that the app is an important way to help restore freedom of movement.
“Without technology, it would be very difficult for us to be as open as we would like,” Vestalger said in an online briefing with MEP.
Contact tracking
At stake are different approaches to how the app handles tracking apps that may have been exposed to Covid-19, despite the EU’s promotion of interoperability.
In the way current countries are deploying apps, personal exposures tracked by French apps are not carried over to Germany if they go to Germany, nor can the authorities easily exchange that information.
While some countries, such as Belgium, are considering avoiding mobile trace apps altogether, most others are designing their own systems based on Bluetooth technology. Authorities want the majority of the population to download them so that they can more easily alert individuals of possible infections.
Countries such as Germany, Austria, and Switzerland choose decentralized systems that store information primarily on their personal phones and are supported by tools co-developed by Google at Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc.
In contrast, the “centralized” approach pursued by France and the United Kingdom allows you to upload information about someone’s contacts to a government server. Authorities and experts say these two systems are incompatible.
“We basically share different kinds of data,” says Marcel Salathe, associate professor at Lausanne Ecole Polytechnic Federale.
Important details of Covid-19

On the other hand, France is in conflict with Apple. The company declined the government’s request to change the privacy and security settings of apps that use iPhone makers’ Bluetooth technology. French authorities say there is a need for centralized app workarounds.
French officials, who know the government’s plans, said the trip could be combined with quarantine orders both on arrival and on return, as the French app is not interoperable with most of the other countries. It was Other officials say the government seeks to avoid such extreme measures for travel within Europe.
Airline reopening
A representative of the aviation industry-a fleet on the ground that has plunged passenger numbers-has called for a consistent approach to technology.
European airlines, the associations representing Air France-KLM, Lufthansa AG, Germany, and EasyJet Plc, said that the contact tracking app will help to reinstate business by, among other things, preventing travelers from contacting coronavirus carriers. He said it could play an important role. -Fly at the airport.
However, when it comes to using the app, it’s important to make adjustments at the European level, said A4E spokeswoman Jennifer Jansen. “For example, you need to avoid the risk of passengers having to download multiple apps in one trip.”
Montserrat Barriga, Secretary-General of the European Regions Airlines Association, which represents TAP Air Portugal, said Croatia Airlines, in particular, needed clear coordination and harmonization of the contact tracking process.
“This is a global industry that requires a global approach, and avoiding local variations whenever possible,” she said.
The representative of Europe’s busiest Frankfurt airport is in favor of all measures that allow safe flight during a pandemic, but said discussions on such an app need to take place internationally at the political level.
EU officials have pressured the government to coordinate on this issue, emphasizing the need to warn citizens of possible infections anywhere in the EU.
In a discussion with MEP, Vestergar said: “We all hope that this summer will not be lost, and that we can have vacations and travel.”


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