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It’s not about when unvaccinated Ohio people get infected with COVID-19, but when. The state’s chief medical officer warns.

It’s not about when unvaccinated Ohio people get infected with COVID-19, but when. The state’s chief medical officer warns.


Ohio’s Chief Clinic issued a harsh warning on Wednesday to unvaccinated residents of the state.

“It’s really only a matter of time now. It’s not the case when an unvaccinated individual develops COVID-19.

— Ohio Health Department, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Bruce Wanderhoff

Vanderhoff’s warning is that highly infectious delta variants of the virus functioned throughout the state, accounting for 36% of all cases sequenced in Ohio during the two weeks leading up to July 3, a month ago. It occurred because it increased from 1% of. According to

“It’s wise and wise for individuals and parents to think about the risks and benefits of new drugs and new vaccines,” he said.

From the archive (June 2020): Ohio Governor Mike DeWine admits he has resigned from the state’s health director for saving “many lives” in the face of Republican criticism and intimidation from critics.

“But I don’t think it’s appropriate to make decisions based on bad information. You need to find a source of good, reliable, and reliable data that has been proven for decades. I think.”

As an example, he cited peer-reviewed medical literature and scientific research reviewed by public health agencies and independent committees advising them.

read: The immunity provided by the COVID-19 vaccine is likely to “decline, not plummet,” the CDC director told Congress.

“These are very clear. The risks of COVID-19 far outweigh the risks associated with our vaccines. The benefits of vaccines are far greater than the risks of side effects and problems with the drug. One very obvious thing is that COVID-19 has ended the lives of far, far, so many people, a huge number of people.

As Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told Congress this week, delta mutants now account for 83% of all COVID cases sequenced in the United States.World Health Organization warned Likely to gain global dominance in the coming months Because it surpasses other variants.

Most of the new cases, hospitalizations and deaths are unvaccinated people, and President Joe Biden and his COVID team are urging such people to take their shots. Biden’s latest plea was held Wednesday at CNN’s Town Hall, where he said it was “very important” to step up and get vaccinated. Biden said the crisis was soon turning into an unvaccinated pandemic.

See below for more information. Biden says COVID-19 is rapidly becoming an unvaccinated pandemic and hopes that children under the age of 12 will be able to participate in the program “within a few months.”

also: More Employers Need to Mandate Workers with COVID-19 Vaccine — For the Health of Their Business

Journal Editor Report: Charles Payne interviews Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins. Image: Frederick J. Brown / AFP via Getty Images





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