Does Vitamin D Deficiency Exacerbate Coronavirus?

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Coronavirus / Vitamin D
It’s a sequel.
Ah New research, Not yet peer reviewedSuggested that vitamin D deficiency may be one of the explanations for the reason Coronavirus It is fatal in some patients and not fatal in others.
Research Vitamin D deficiency We also analyzed coronavirus deaths and overall vitamin D levels in citizens of the countries most affected by coronavirus deaths. But other findings from the study show that vitamin D Coronavirus complications..
how? The researchers say the answer might be how to kill someone infected with a coronavirus.
How the coronavirus kills

GettyThis scan shows how the coronavirus blocks lung function. White areas indicate blockages and black areas indicate where air can circulate.
New scientist We have determined that the body’s hyperreactive immune response is the main cause of the fatal phenomena of diseases such as COVID-19 and influenza: Cytokine storm..
Cytokine A small protein involved in cell communication and inflammation. In an interview with heavy, James State, Professor of Regent, Washington State University I explained how the coronavirus kills.
According to Kruger, the human body has more than 100 cytokines, most of which are anti-inflammatory, but infections commonly induce proinflammatory cytokines. New scientist This cytokine response is associated with MERS, multiple sclerosis, pancreatitis, SARS coronavirus, COVID-19 etc.
According to Kruger, one of the reasons this is a problem is how many ways there are cytokines produced. For example, Macrophage And Immune cellsIs prepared to consume bacteria and viruses and produce more cytokines as a product of their activity. Kruger also said that the viral replication process can also initiate cytokine production.
“The immune response causes high cytokine production,” Kruger said. “As the disease progresses, cytokines rise.”
Krueger studied mice to see how cytokine production was affected Hypothalamus, A part of the brain that regulates body temperature, appetite, sleep, heart rate, and other important functions. In his study, he found many hypothalamic cytokine clusters Same symptoms as human beings: Sweat and chills, loss of appetite and tiredness.
However, if too much cytokine is produced, Cytokine storm — A large collection of proinflammatory cytokines that cause obstruction. Depending on where they are occluded, breathing etc. may be affected. For example, they AlveoliResponsible for assisting gas and air exchange, Damage the bronchi Where air enters the lungs.

GettyThis scan shows an advanced coronavirus infection in the lungs.
According to Kruger, most patients produce large amounts of cytokines in the lungs, Nasal passage, The respiratory system and the hypothalamus cause many symptoms associated with the disease: Chest tightness, Malaise And Anosmia (loss of odor)..
“Almost everyone will increase cytokine production,” he said. “They are not deadly. They make an individual tired and sleepy.”
However, in patients with higher cytokine production, Results can be fatal:
The virus initiates the production of various cytokines. When a person dies of COVID, there is often a severe cytokine storm. If they are in the wrong place, they can cause a lot of inflammation. In the lungs, the space within the bronchioles of the alveoli is reduced and fluid collects. You are essentially drowning in your body fluids. That’s terrible, that’s why people are worried about it.
He said the only way to reverse the cytokine response involves production of anti-inflammatory cytokines or inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
What is Vitamin D?

(Flickr / Colin Dunn)Vitamin D.
Vitamin DNaturally generated from food and sunlight in the form of tablets, it supports human bone health. Hormone Calcifediol (Also known as 25 (OH) D in studies.) Vitamin D is produced after it has passed through the liver, and this metabolite is often used to measure someone’s vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D deficiency can cause some bone problems, such as thinning, brittleness, and bending of the bone. But more importantly, studies have linked higher levels of vitamin D, which inhibits the activity of proinflammatory cytokines, to lower levels of inflammation.
Researcher at the National Jewish Health Organization Published research in 2012 We have linked vitamin D deficiency to inflammatory disorders. More importantly, this study found that vitamin D inhibits the production of proinflammatory cytokines by macrophages.
“In their experiments, low levels of vitamin D, comparable to those found in millions, failed to block the inflammatory cascade, while levels considered appropriate blocked inflammatory signaling. ” Research summary Found
Ah 2014 survey Low levels of vitamin D result Or Cause Chronic inflammation. Research eventually concludes that chronic inflammation is reduced The body’s ability to metabolize vitamin D
However, 2016 study We considered the same question and concluded that both are true. Vitamin D reduces inflammation, and some components of inflammation can interfere with vitamin D metabolism.
And 2018 survey When examining whether vitamin D affects the cytokines involved in cancer metastasis, ” data also confirmed that vitamin D can inhibit tumor development and metastasis through many different processes.”
How Vitamin D Can Reduce Coronavirus Mortality

GettyA culture of bacteria containing a coronavirus.
Biomedical Engineering Professor Vadim Bachmann, McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern I was the principal researcher of the team I was working on Studying the problem..
The team investigated vitamin D deficiency in severe cases of COVID-19 based on patient records across the country. Germany, Korea, China, Spain, Iran, Italy, England, USA and France Above all. Finally, they found a link between vitamin D levels and cytokine storms and a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and mortality.
One of the study’s conclusions was:
… Vit D may reduce COVID-19 mortality by suppressing cytokine storms [10,14,21].. Specifically, the risk of severe COVID 19 cases in patients with severe Vit D deficiency is 17.3%, while the equivalent figure in patients with normal Vit D levels is 14.6% (15.6% reduction). This potential effect may be due to Vit D’s ability to suppress the adaptive immune system, regulate cytokine levels, and thereby reduce the risk of developing severe COVID-19.
Backman Told Science Daily“Our analysis shows that it may be as high as halving the mortality rate. While it can’t prevent patients from getting the virus, it reduces complications and You can prevent death. “
He also Loved what he does I don’t think it necessary to start overdose because vitamin D can cause side effects, but I think further investigation is needed on the ability of vitamin D to prevent complications from COVID-19. ing.
This surveyUnprinted preprintMeans that you have not gone through the peer review process required to check for flaws in data collection, analysis and other errors. Science Alert pointed out that there is a problem Use cross-sectional reports because different countries measure and collect vitamin D level data differently.
Various studies support and / or narrow the applicability of studies.
Ah May 6 research presentation In Clinical and studies of aging journal Saw 20 European countries We also found a correlation between low vitamin D levels and high COVID-19 mortality.
of Evidence-based medical centers Published a quick review on whether vitamin D can treat or prevent COVID-19 and concluded the following:
No clinical evidence of vitamin D was found in COVID-19. There was no evidence related to vitamin D deficiency predisposing to COVID-19, and there were no studies of supplements for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.
However, the same study found, “Especially in people with low or very low vitamin D status, daily vitamin D3 supplementation for weeks to months may prevent other acute respiratory infections. There is also evidence that there is. “
April 29 survey When actually examining “ How vitamin D status affects mortality due to SARS-CoV-2 infection ”, it was found that high dose of vitamin D had no effect on COVID-19 patients It was.
of National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHBLI) Randomized controlled trial evaluating the role of high-dose vitamin D (540,000 IU single-dose vitamin D3) in critically ill patients with vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D levels <50 nmol / l) [17], This study could not demonstrate the effects of high doses of vitamin D ... We recommend a dose of vitamin D that is considered a standard nutritional supplement that is considered sufficient to provide clinical benefit.
All studies suggested that more research in this area could provide more definitive evidence for the role of vitamin D in helping reduce COVID-19 complications.
“It’s hard to say which dose is most beneficial to COVID-19.” Bachman told Science Daily.. “But it’s clear that vitamin D deficiency is harmful, and it’s easy to deal with the right supplements. This can help vulnerable populations, such as African Americans and the elderly, who are endemic to vitamin D deficiency. It may be another key to protection. “
Read the following: COVID-19 Symptoms: Coronavirus Symptoms Daily Chart
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