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Solve the virus and earthquake Magna style


MAGNA – Want to see flexibility? Do you want to see restore after taking a punch? Do you want to see the government not wait for it to take care of you?

You can do worse than walking in the Aunt Ernie Pet Petlor salon on Magna Main Street and talking to Brandis Touhuni.

Brandeis, 39, owns Auntie Ernie, a dog care company (the name praises the grooming skills of Brandeis mother, Ernstein) located near the western end of Maine below “C” on the mountain – for high-school Cyprus – and the beginning of Kennecott Copper ownership that defined the city for more 100 years ago.

Magna has started, and still is, a miner city, working hard, meaningless, make the transformation and then hoping for a little extra time.

The pandemic and earthquake do not seem to have changed that.

It has been almost two months since Magna got the Chamber of Commerce nightmare. First, on March 11th, the coronary virus pandemic came. Second, on March 18, the 5.7 earthquake occurred, its epicenter less than 4 miles northeast of downtown Magna and its century-old buildings.

While damage was reported throughout the Salt Lake Valley, Magna got the worst of it.

What has happened since, from Brandeis view from West Main, is a vintage magna.

“People have come together. There is a sense of the small town here that you will not find many other places.” “Everyone always helps each other.”

It uses itself as a single exhibition.

Network display

This 104-year-old building on James Main Street, owned by James and Brands Tohoni, suffered severe damage in the March 18, 2020 earthquake.

Brandeis Tohoni

Brandeis Tohony works behind Aunt Ernie’s desk, which is her pet care company on Magna Main Street.

Lee Benson, Deseret News

This 104-year-old building on James Main Street, owned by James and Brands Tohoni, suffered severe damage in the March 18, 2020 earthquake.

Lee Benson, Deseret News

On the day of the earthquake, she was asleep when the earth began to shake at 7:09 am. Initially, it was believed that a bomb had exploded. She and her husband, James, a construction company manager, searched their home, a 96-year-old house near high school. They found no harm. So far, so good.

But then they got into the car to check the two 104-year-old buildings on Main Street. (By the way, both buildings were used on the Disney TV show “Andi Mack” when they were filmed on location in Magna. Aunt Ernie was Spoon Diner and the adjacent building was a record store.)

Auntie Ernie’s building had some cracks in the interior that didn’t look very dangerous, but the adjacent building was in disarray, as the bricks were scattered all over, facing major overhaul.

Like most others in Magna, Al-Tonhy did not have earthquake insurance.

What did they do? Call a lawyer and take out bankruptcy? Sit and cry?

No. They started to rebuild immediately.

Their neighbors could immediately offer to help.

“We had three separate fundraising campaigns before we knew it,” says Brands. “We got help from people we didn’t even know.”

The response was welcome, but it was not unexpected. This is why Brands and James live in Magna. Both grew up here, both went to the height of Cyprus, and they both had magna in their veins.

“It is a good city, a good place to live,” says Brandeis. “It doesn’t always have the best reputation. It’s a low-income region, so you have some drug problems and some things like that. But the majority are just good people, with a solid blue collar who will do anything for you. Maybe they ended up here on the west side.” Because it’s what they can afford – but they stay because they want it.

“I mean we are hard here. We all had to work and break our necks for what we have and I don’t think anyone wants to give up. There is no business owner here who is not ready to fight for what they put their heart and soul into.”

Bureaucratic restrictions and the red routine that are an integral part of epidemics and earthquakes have been additional obstacles to be removed.

“They (the government) have done nothing but make it more difficult,” says Brandeis. “The hoops we had to jump with Salt Lake County were ridiculous.”

For example, after the earthquake, the province shut down gas for all buildings. It was a safety measure and fully understood. The problem was, no one from the province came back to restart the gas, and the gas company wouldn’t do that because he didn’t turn it off.

“So we took pain and turned ourselves in again,” says Brandeis. Other companies were like, “How do you get your gas back?” And we’re like, “With a wrench,” and they are like, “We’ll do it, too.” “They are all very lively.”

Solve problems in Magna style.

In general, the epidemic and earthquake ended with the care of dogs in Brandeis closed for a total of three days.

They have had to practice social spacing since then, the actions weren’t as fast as they were, but they were constant and the Magna residents did not shy away from caring for the Magna people.

“The epidemic didn’t really affect us like many other companies, so it was good,” says Brands.

For this reason, the epidemic does not seem to have affected Magna much.

“I don’t know one person who was infected with the virus,” says Brandeis. “I have not heard of someone getting sick in Magna.”

She knows a few of them.

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