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Ministry not to track the main earthquake target promotion for schools | 1 news

Ministry not to track the main earthquake target promotion for schools |  1 news
Ministry not to track the main earthquake target promotion for schools |  1 news


The Ministry of Education does not count the number of school buildings that meet the main earthquake target.

By RNZ reporter Phil Pennington

It has a medium-term goal of making as many buildings as possible stronger than a major failure level of 67 percent of the New Building Standard (NBS).

This makes them less likely to fail in a major earthquake.

This goal was emphasized in the Ministry’s Earthquake Resilience Program for the year 2020.

“The medium-term goal is to strengthen all school buildings, as close as reasonably practicable, to 67 percent of NBS along with other property upgrades and renovations,” she says.

Although that is a goal, when RNZ asked him how many buildings it had so far reinforced in this way, the ministry didn’t know.

“We do not currently collect data on the number of buildings that have moved from less than 67 percent to more than 67 percent,” she said.

She did not say why she was not tracked.

“Our priority is to address buildings used for teaching and learning that have a rating of less than 34 percent,” the ministry said.

However, this 34 percent sub-goal appears as a short-term goal in his program, alongside but not superseding the medium-term goal.

Initially, the earthquake program found that 130 school buildings were less than 34 percent classified as earthquake-prone.

The ministry has reduced that to less than 50 now.

The ministry said it would make plans for what to do with these 50 buildings by 2025.

Timeframes for fixing any of them depend in part on the boards required.

“A low seismic rating does not necessarily mean that the building is not occupied,” the ministry said, citing WorkSafe advice.

“A low seismic rating does not mean a building is dangerous or unsafe to use.”

Its data did not say that buildings with an earthquake rate of less than 34 percent are 10-25 times more likely to fail in a major earthquake than a building that fully meets the new standards.

Since the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake, many government departments have only been willing to rent out buildings of 67-80 percent of NBS or more.

As long as any owner, such as the Department of Education, meets the earthquake performance requirements of the 2004 Building Act, such as meeting council deadlines for repairing earthquake-prone buildings, they can still use them.

Another goal of the ministry was to develop a policy for the use of earthquake-prone school buildings.

The department told RNZ that it was “developing our approach.”

Using advice from experienced earthquake engineers, “we are working with the school to come up with measures that reduce risks to students and staff and minimize disruption to the school so a long-term plan can be put in place.”

The ministry said 99 percent of the 15,000 school buildings are one- or two-story and framed with wooden frames, which tests have shown are able to withstand earthquakes.

Last year, the ministry updated the structural and geotechnical requirements that designers and engineers must meet for new projects or strengthening existing school buildings.





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