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5 most shocking earthquakes in the Philippines over the years

5 most shocking earthquakes in the Philippines over the years


Detailed cropped shot of seismograph typography font | Photo: Getty Images By Christine Andas August 4, 2021

Read on to learn about the five most horrific earthquakes in history that shook many Filipinos to their core


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No one knows when the next big earthquake will hit the Philippines. It is only right to prepare oneself by reading important pointers and looking back on past experiences. What better way to prepare for natural disasters than by learning from history?

In this article, Tatler lists the five most horrific earthquakes in the country:


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The earthquake in Mindanao caused a tsunami in the middle of the night of August 17, 1976, destroying many properties and leaving large cracks on the ground. Families lost loved ones in this tragic event. Fortunately, the victims received international and local support.

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Image from Wikimedia Commons; Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

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Filipinos residing from Dingalaan, Aurora to Cayaba, Nueva Vizcaya bore the brunt of the earthquake that occurred on July 16, 1990. The epicenter of the earthquake was near the town of Rizal. The serious earthquake was caused by slipping motions along the Philippine fault zone and the Digdig fault. This massive earthquake did not exclude Manila as it also caused the destruction of at least 25 percent of homes in the city.

Diamond Tower. | Picture from the east side of the roof that collapsed towards the south, Ruby Tower. | Photo by PHILVOLCS

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The town of Kasiguran, Aurora, was hit by a devastating earthquake on August 2, 1968, leaving 261 injured and 270 dead. Several high-rise buildings in Manila were damaged including the eight- and six-story buildings such as the Aloha Theater, the Ruby Tower and the Philippine Bar Association’s commercial building. The cost of property damage? Several million dollars.

See also: Volcanoes, typhoons, SARS, coronavirus, COVID19: Is the Philippines prepared for the next disaster?

Photo courtesy of

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In 1973, a severe earthquake shook the city of Calawag, Quezon, destroying 98 homes and destroying another 270. The earthquake was so devastating that it extended 90 kilometers from the epicenter. Evidence of the magnitude of this earthquake can be seen from the various ground fractures along the portion of the Philippine Fault and mud dimples formed near the Kalawaj River.


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On December 15, 2019, an earthquake struck the city of Davao del Sur, causing structural damage, injuring more than 210 people and causing 13 deaths. Various schools and health facilities were also damaged. Known for being one of the most seismically active regions in the Philippines, the Davao region is also prone to rockfalls and landslides. Fortunately, the epicenter of this earthquake is inland which means that a tsunami is unlikely to occur after an earthquake.

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