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$ 10 million grant supports Sanford Burnham test for broad-spectrum antiviral drug to combat COVID-19


We have heard it from a doctor before. You have a viral infection and cannot be treated. Go home, rest and drink plenty of fluids until you feel better.

The Sanford Burnham Prevy Medical Discovery Institute research team is keeping another revision in mind. It is a broad-spectrum antiviral drug that treats the viruses that cause colds, flu, and COVID-19. The institute announced Tuesday that a team led by Sumit Chanda, director of the Immune and Etiology program in Sanford Burnham, received a $ 10 million four-year grant from the Pentagon to advance antiviral drug research. did.

Most viral infections are either untreated or treated with drugs that target a single virus. Chanda has the name of these bespoke remedies: “one drug, one bug.”

One drug, one bug means scientists need to develop new antiviral agents for each new virus. But that takes time. And during the pandemic, time is wasted. Chanda believes that using antiviral agents that act against a broader spectrum of viruses, just as antibiotics act against all categories of bacteria, is a better approach.

To find such a drug, Chanda’s team spends 15 years looking for a common strategy on how the virus hijacks cells and uses proteins to make copies of itself. It was

“When they enter our cell, they can live on land,” said Chanda. “We are trying to deplete the virus.”

He envisions two ways to do this: temporarily block molecular viruses, hijack or revolve our natural immune response. Chanda’s team will test four molecules to start with a new coronavirus and see how well they can accomplish which goal against different viruses.

The original plan was to test the molecule in the lab over the next four years. At that point, scientists will meet with the Food and Drug Administration to discuss whether their data provided enough encouragement to justify the first clinical trial.

But then COVID-19 happened. According to Chanda, four years from now it will be nearly four months. The coronavirus wasn’t even in his mind when he filed a grant last summer. Now, all antiviral molecules in the team are first tested for utility against the novel coronavirus.

Chanda wants to do the same for viral infections as antibiotics did for bacterial infections, but antibiotics also led to an increase in multidrug-resistant strains. One important difference he points out is that antibiotics target bacteria directly. The antiviral agents that his group is developing target our proteins, not viral proteins.

Bacteria and viruses evolve rapidly, which can rapidly develop resistance to drugs that target them. By comparison, human cells are a more stable target. Targeting our cells should make the virus particularly difficult to adapt, he says.

“The virus basically needs to learn how to hunt again from the beginning,” Chanda said.

The Sanford Burnham research team works with a team of international collaborators who are also part of the grant, including scientists from Washington, Oregon, New York, South Africa, and the Scripps Institute.

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