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A Haitian family reacts after a deadly earthquake

A Haitian family reacts after a deadly earthquake


DURHAM, NC – The death toll from Saturday’s 7.2-magnitude earthquake in Haiti has reached 1,297, with more than 5,700 injured. It comes as people in the Triangle are eagerly waiting to hear from their family members on the island.

What you need to know

A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti on Saturday

More than 1,200 people were killed, more than 5,700 . were injured

One family from Durham is still waiting to hear from her family in Haiti

Dafney Tales-Lafortune and her husband Andre live in Durham, but they both have family in Haiti. They say it was difficult to get loved ones because cell towers are often overburdened after a natural disaster like this. Husband and wife say the latest quake is very similar to the one in 2010, and the country’s infrastructure hasn’t improved much since then.

“I felt we should have been more prepared,” Andre Laforton said. “In terms of the response, having equipment that can remove rubble, because on TV I see people trying to rescue people with their bare hands and trying to remove big concrete. We shouldn’t be in this situation.”

They add that the recent assassination of the Haitian president creates an even more difficult situation as Haitians desperately wait for help from the government.

“It’s really hard for Haitians after the assassination and then this,” André Laforton said. “After a lot of bad things, good things come out. That’s what I wish.”

“They’re able to provide the resources and whatever else is needed for these kinds of situations, but the fact that we’re seeing such a shortage in the aftermath of this earthquake is critical,” Daphne Talise-Laforton said.

“I feel like we can’t get some rest. Nou pa ka wen repo,” Dafney Tales-Lafortune said, “which means you are not able to have peace.” “I mean one thing I’m going to say about our people, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it, we are resilient and strong. But the kinds of tests we go through, I don’t wish they could be done on anyone else.”

The country’s prime minister has declared a one-month state of emergency, and the United States is sending a 65-person team to help with search and rescue efforts. Meanwhile, a Bonn-based aid group announced that it will transport 13 disaster response specialists and 31 tons of emergency supplies to Haiti.

Dafney Tales-Lafortune says it’s important to research organizations before making any donations. The couple owns a Haitian food truck, Bon Fretay, and they plan to post reputable places for donations on their website.





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