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Studies show that Brazilian venomous venom may be a tool in the fight against the coronavirus

Studies show that Brazilian venomous venom may be a tool in the fight against the coronavirus
Studies show that Brazilian venomous venom may be a tool in the fight against the coronavirus


Sao Paulo: Brazilian researchers have discovered that molecules in certain snake venoms inhibit the propagation of coronavirus in monkey cells. This could be the first step towards a drug to combat the virus that causes COVID-19.

A study published this month in the scientific journal Molecules found that the molecule produced by the jararacussu pit viper inhibited the ability of the virus to multiply in monkey cells by 75%.

“We were able to show that this component of snake venom can inhibit a very important protein from the virus,” said Rafael Guido, a professor at the University of São Paulo and author of the study.

Molecules are peptides, or chains of amino acids, that can connect to a coronavirus enzyme called PLPro, which is essential for viral propagation without damaging other cells.

Peptides, already known for their antibacterial properties, can be synthesized in the laboratory, Guido said in an interview, saying that there is no need to catch or raise snakes.

“We are wary of people going hunting for Jaralux around Brazil and thinking they will save the world … not!” The Biological Collection of the Butantan Institute in São Paulo Said Giuseppe Puorto, a herpetologist who runs the institute. “It is not the poison itself that cures the coronavirus.”

According to a statement from the State University of São Paulo (Unesp), researchers will then evaluate the efficiency of various doses of the molecule and whether the virus can prevent the virus from invading cells first. research.

They wanted to test the substance in human cells, but did not give a timeline.

The jararacussu is one of the largest snakes in Brazil, up to 6 feet (2 meters) in length. It inhabits the Atlantic Forest and is also found in Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina.

(Report by Leonardo Benassatto, additional report by Pedro Fonseca, edited by Bill Berkrot)




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