Coronavirus vaccine will be available in about a year, according to EU agencies
Amsterdam / Brussels (Reuters) -A vaccine against the new coronavirus could be approved within about a year in a “optimistic” scenario, according to the European Union drug approval agency.
Photograph of the file: A small bottle with a “Vaccine” sticker is placed near the medical syringe in front of the word “Coronavirus COVID-19” shown on this illustration, taken on April 10, 2020. Is held in.
As the world is rushing to develop vaccines, the EU is struck by COVID-19 and fears it may not have a sufficient supply, especially if the vaccine was developed in the US or China.
The European Medicines Agency was in contact with 33 developers and was doing everything possible to speed up the approval process, said Marco Cavaleri, EMA’s vaccine director, but prepared by September. I was skeptical of the possible claims.
“As for vaccines, in the beginning of 2021 we can start optimistically a year later as development has to start from scratch,” he told journalists.
He ruled out the possibility of skipping the third phase of the vaccine trial, which he said was necessary to ensure that the vaccine was safe and effective.
According to World Health Organization data, EMA is also considering 115 different treatments or treatments for coronaviruses, resulting in nearly 300,000 deaths worldwide.
Kavaleri said some of these treatments could be approved in Europe as early as this summer, but he didn’t specify either.
A leading EU legislator said the EU should avoid the intellectual property rights of pharmaceutical companies if the vaccine were developed outside the sphere.
“If the vaccine was originally developed outside Europe, we must do everything possible to ensure that the vaccine is actually available in all countries,” as well as the German Christian Democrats. Prime Minister Peter Reese Angela Merkel, a prominent member of the Alliance (CDU) Party.
“We expect dialogue and cooperation, but we also need to expect others to refuse dialogue and cooperation. That’s why we need Plan B,” Liese said. It was
The US and China are wary of supporting EU-funded global funding campaigns this month that raised $ 8 billion to research, manufacture, and distribute possible vaccines and treatments for COVID-19.
Liese urged the EU government and the European Commission to consider a waiver under the rules of the World Trade Organization to manufacture generics without the consent of the pharmaceutical company that originally developed them.
Report by Toby Sterling and Ludwig Berger. Additional report by Francesco Gualatio in Brussels. Written by Anthony Deutsch. Edited by Nick Macfie
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