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Actor turned radio host Joe Piscopo talks about political correctness, Trump's age and his possible candidacy for governor of New Jersey


Actor turned radio host Joe Piscopo said he plans to run for governor of New Jersey in 2021 to help push back the politically correct and tame the radical nature of culture. American cancellation.

"We entered [the race] the last time and I resigned, but our number of polls was higher than the Republican," he told Fox News. "Yes, I think about it, yes, people talk to me about it every day. They want me to run for governor. They just want to take over New Jersey. Because he fell , with New York and California, in a progressive country run by very few people who don't represent the people, and it's scary. "

Former cast member of "Saturday Night Live" said he was motivated by his sense of civic duty and would likely run as an independent to avoid corruption associated with major political parties .

"Do I want to do it? It’s a sense of duty. It’s not that I’m looking for it," he said. "Many of these guys take office for glory. The problem is that political parties are just for themselves. In New Jersey, you have to talk to county presidents – you have to go play this game, what game. I'm coming I want to [skip]. The last time I almost walked in as a freelancer because I think it's time for that. People are fed up with both. "

Piscopo added: "I see people coming in. I know the landscape, I know what can be done. And the trick is this – in New Jersey there are three million voters registered, who don't even show up to vote because they feel like nobody cares. And I say this on the air, how do you wake up this sleeping giant ? "

He also talked about Trump supporters getting a bad rap and said Americans don't want to be told about the political values ​​they should adopt.


"I don't think a guy can win the state house in Trenton unless he supports President Trump, whether you like him or not," said Piscopo. "The power that was in this gathering of Wildwood [Trump] – it was incredible. I have never seen anything like it. I speak objectively – I have never seen anything like it. C & quot;Was like a Bruce Springsteen concert. I interacted with the crowd and they enjoyed it. They are good people."

"They say that if you like the president, you are in a sect. You do not understand. The whole thing is deplorable," he continued. "They don't understand. I played in Georgia, I played in Kansas City. And I stand in front of those crowds and I say," I'm so proud to be here in the heart of the United States of America, the largest country in the world. & # 39; And they've gone mad – that's what we should all feel. "

America should be celebrated for the role it has played in maintaining world peace, instead of being constantly demolished and disrespected, said the New Jersey native.

"People are trying to tell us how to live and how bad we are. People come from other countries, refugees, we accept them. We give them a life then they attack us and call us racists and say that we are wrong, "he said. told me. "And we sit there just trying to make a living, asking," What have we done wrong? "When my grandparents came here, they wanted to come here. And if they didn't like it, they would have gone home."

Piscopo, a longtime Blue Dog Democrat, campaigned for Trump in 2016 and credited the experience of exposing him to the plight of average Americans, who are slandered for their love of God and the country.

"I'm a longtime Democrat, so they told me, would you campaign for the president? So now I have to put my money where my mouth is," he joked. . "I head to make the speech at the Tampa, Florida fairgrounds the Saturday before the 2016 election. I walk behind the scenes then I look around and it was calm because it hadn't shown up yet. I'm watching the crowd, just a second – I’m pulling the curtain and it was 20,000 people, like a rock concert. The people who were downstairs have me spotted and I will never forget the expression on their faces. They said, "Joe! Oh my God! Look at this. Joe, he understands. He knows who we are. We are deprived of their rights. He cares. Joe cares, man! & quot;


He added: "I was waiting for the president to come and suddenly they take the oath of allegiance. At the Democratic convention, they didn't even have the flag there. So they do the oath with the Secret Service, Florida highway patrol, everyone – hands on heart and I looked around and thought, boom – I'm in the right place. "

Piscopo's roots in spoken radio run deep throughout his university studies in Jacksonville, Florida, when he was on air at Jones College where he studied radio and television. In 2014, he was visiting a friend of the WNYM radio station in New York and introduced himself on the same day that the morning host decided to leave. We gave him the opportunity to go on the air and he did it so well, he was offered the place permanently and continues to welcome "The Joe Piscopo show"on 970 AM to date.

"The boss said, you're good on the air, you should do something. This is Jerry Crowley. He worked with all the giants," he said. "So I say, I'm going to fill up because you lost your guy and make it a few weeks and if it works fine, otherwise it doesn't work. So we did it and we're in our seventh year. Six years we've been on the air and are now number one in the network. It was a crazy race. "

When asked if his career in spoken radio had created friction with his colleagues in the film industry, Piscopo said that his patriotism had been criticized, but also claimed that various actors had him had contacted in secret to tell him that they agreed with what he was saying.

"I have never been on list A or list B – I always say that I was not even on the waiting list," joked the actor. "I stayed at home and I never played the game. You have to go crawling, and I'm not a good groveler. I don't know it's the politics of it all, but I haven't really had much of an aftermath. However, I think that once you've aligned yourself with being a patriot, you're pretty much decried in the business. "


"Friends of LA will call me and they will whisper and talk very quietly on the phone and say," Wow, great show this morning man. You say everything I believe. But I cannot say. "Isn't that the craziest thing?" He continued. "Thank goodness for people like Jon Voight and Bruce Willis in the foreground. I have been a Democrat all my life. But the party has moved away from what I believed, which is right, to be loyal to country, true to law enforcement, true to the military, true to family [and] believing in God. My faith is strong, it always has been. Now they are trying to virtually remove the Christianity, so I feel like I am on a mission. "

Piscopo said he feared for the country but was still trying to stay true to what his father had taught him, about the sanctity of faith and the family.

"It's a scary time now. They're trying to take away everything my father taught me," he said. "Everything he went through – my grandfather, come to this country, fight in this country, learn the laws, learn the language. Believe in one nation under God, in God in whom we trust. The strength and the ethnic foundation, the mosaic of the United States of America and we believed it. "

"Now they want us for it," added Piscopo. "They tell us, 'You are bad. We are not a nation under God and we teach what we think your children should learn. I don't even know where we are. All I know is that I stay on the path that my father always taught me – it's about family, God and country. This is who we are. "

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