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[VIDEO] “SNL” summary: Daniel Craig presents the best and worst sketches


What do Elizabeth Warren, Debbie Downer and James Bond have in common? They all appeared in some Saturday Night LiveThe most memorable sketches of this weekend – some for the better … and some for the worse

It was Bond himself, Daniel Craig, who presided over the 15th episode of season 45, and proved to be a capable, if not spectacular, host who was better suited for digital short films than for live sketches. The episode delivered several sketches on the subject of coronaviruses, but much less laughter than the host of John Mulaney a week ago.

snl elizabeth warren kate mckinnon videoBEST: CORONAVIRUS ANGLE INGRAHAM COLD OPEN
Seeing Senator Warren face to face with SNL representative Kate McKinnon was easily the highlight of the evening. And Warren's crack at the expense of fellow Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg – "Not only have I not accepted billionaires' money, I have to give one on live TV!" she exclaimed – was priceless. But even before he hit the screen, it was one of the coldest cold-tinted political openings recently, thanks in part to the return of Darrell Hammond as an MSNBC retiree (-turned- Fox News location?) Chris Matthews, and the strange impression of Jeanily Pirro's Cecily Strong. (Watch it here.)

Aidy Bryant was equally a "1950s housewife" and "Rachel Green making a traditional English trifle" in this bizarre short film about a housewife and a particularly revolting recipe for salad overnight. Craig was best used here in the role of Bryant's tired husband, who scolded him for feeding their two children (and the poor family dog) of this dreck.

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This COVID-19 themed serial satire wowed me with his many visual gags, including sequences of two people shaking hands, and Craig covering McKinnon with Saran Wrap before becoming hot and heavy.

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Who better to comment on the "QDOBA virus" than the update character from Strong's weekend, with obscure (and slightly tipsy) abilities? "He has suffered so much from abortion," she said unmoved, before giving her two cents for the Democratic nomination contest for president. "It's all nervous for anyone's pleasure … It's like everyone wants socialism now, but how did it work for Vuvuzela?"

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Kenan Thompson and Chris Redd were joined by musical guest The Weeknd for their latest video clip collaboration, which took a little too long to reveal real reason why each of them was forced to sleep on the sofa, rather than in bed with their lovers.

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Debbie Downer's trip to Disney World was one of the funniest SNL sketch of the early augts, largely because everyone, including Rachel Dratch, was unable to hold it together. Unfortunately, this surprise alarm clock – like so many recent television alarm clocks – was a complete failure. The timing was stopped and the jokes were forced. If not, worst sketch of the night, it was certainly the most disappointing.

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What were your favorite sketches this week? And what missed the mark? Look at all the highlights (and weak points) above, then rate the episode in our poll.

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