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5 things you didn't know about the actor from “ Strike Back '' & amp; # 39; Warren Brown


Action packed Cinemax drama series Strike Back comes out with a knock.

In its final season, the show follows the explosive getaways of Section 20, an elite, multinational, and secret special operations team as it travels the world fighting a vast network of interconnected criminal and terrorist activities.

It stars Warren Brown (The dark knight rises, 2012), Daniel MacPherson (A wrinkle in time, 2018) and Alin Sumarwata (Neighbors, 2014) and is back for its seventh and final season.

British actor Brown, 41, has played as Senior Sergeant Thomas Mac McAllister since 2017.

Aside from Strike Back, his credits include the soap Hollyoaks (1995 to present) and the British police drama Luther (2010 to 2019).

Here are five things to know about him.

1. He is a former professional Thai boxer

Brown was a professional Thai boxer who had competed in international competitions and is a two-time world champion. Thanks to his martial arts training, he had an advantage over physically demanding Strike Back.

He says: The training for Strike Back has always been quite intense. We were in Jordan for a month, we trained for four or five hours each day with the special forces there. I found myself using the skills I had learned during my time as a former boxer.

2. He loves Malaysia

With the previous season Strike Back: Revolution having been filmed entirely in Malaysia, Brown had taken the opportunity to explore the country outside of filming, visiting states such as Penang and Johor and the Langkawi Archipelago.

The actor remembers: Malaysia was beautiful. I have fond memories of jogging along the beach and exploring the jungle during my stay there, there were amazing scenery and the people were so nice and welcoming.

He is looking forward to coming back in the future.

3. Has a large military fan base

By working with various special forces from countries such as Jordan and Croatia for the show, Brown discovered that Strike Back is very popular among the military.

He adds: Their appreciation for our show made us even more convinced to keep as much realism in the show as possible, so that it can continue to be a show to which they can relate and find some familiarity.

4. He is not afraid to show his emotions

The day of the last episode was extremely moving, but Brown is grateful to have met his co-stars and his production team.

We have all become so close in recent years. As such, it was natural for all of us to have been rather sad to see the show come to an end, says the actor.

5. The staging could be on the cards

Although he wants to continue to leverage his background in martial arts, Brown does not wish to assume another role as an actor linked to the military in the immediate future.

But of course I will be ready to play another role of the same kind, maybe later I would be stupid not to use my training and my background in martial arts to my advantage, he adds.

Instead, he could venture into something a little different.

Brown says: I had actually tried to direct the staging a bit. I found it to be something quite interesting in which I might like to venture into the future.

I currently have a few ideas in writing, so take a good look at this. Gwyneth Low / The Straits Times / Asia News Network

New episodes of Strike Back S7 is presented every Saturday at 11 a.m. / 10 p.m. on Cinemax (Astro Ch 412).

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