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“Not Shimla or Srinagar, this is Delhi”: video of the cold storm in the city makes netizens excited and afraid


Posted by: Directions Office New Delhi

Posted: May 15, 2020 11:34:59 AM

The white blanket of hailstones on the streets of north Delhi has caused excitement and fear. (Source: rose_k01 / Twitter)

Days after a dust storm and a mild earthquake struck Delhi-NCR, people in the area again experienced heavy rain that brought down the temperature and provided relief in May. However, it was the rain that sparked everyone’s enthusiasm online. Along with strong winds and rain, a hailstorm was also reported in isolated places, especially in northern Delhi, and social media and photos were soon buzzed. One section of the Kamla Nagar area is spreading very quickly with people who compare it with snowfall in Shimla and even Switzerland!

The video for Delhi Street, famous for its cold-like cold stones of fresh snow, is getting more excited. However, there were a few people who said that a thick hail storm in mid-May was only “normal.”

Watch the video here:

This is not Srinagar or Shimla but full Nagar in Delhi after cold and rain today! ?? #DelhiRains

– Rosie (@ rose_k01) May 14, 2020

One commented while sharing the viral clip, while one sarcastically said: “Stormy + pandemic + frequent earthquakes = #Delhi, while another said:” Nature is doing better to keep the city entertained. “

Daily White Paint

– Abhishek (@ Abhiishekk1454) May 15, 2020

I didn’t know that Delhi’s roads could look like this. I am literally scared.

– Rashmi Singh (@ rashmi89singh) May 15, 2020

Wonderful snowman in New Delhi!

– Atulsubodh, 14 May 2020

Switzerland Delayed Blackpool Delhi … ????☺️

– anirudra ahlawat (@ anirudradwived1) May 14, 2020

Delhi is turning into a hill station destination slowly and steadily ?

– IMMORTALS @ (Neauflame) May 14, 2020

Nature seems to be rejoicing in its closure.

Meenakshi (meenakshi_aj) May 14, 2020

ic रे ये दिल्ली है कि मनाली

– Muhammad Owais Khan (shafaathkhan) May 14, 2020

This is a lot, it seems that the infidels in Simla. ??

– sureshtory, May 15, 2020

Dust storms have seen in many areas and strong winds have uprooted trees, destroyed power lines and parked vehicles along the road. Delhi residents shared videos of flowing rain water on the balconies and dust plumes sweeping the streets on social media.

Check out some other videos on Twitter.

Ole Ole Ole.

Hail storm in Al-Fishly.

Amit Tiagi (Heimboge) May 14, 2020

Hailstorm un Delhi It feels like I’m on some hill station It was scary Delhi # Delhi #Hailstorm

– Ankit Prakash Ching (@ arunankit46) May 14, 2020

Close first Covid-19, second earthquake in Delhi, third thunderstorm in Delhi Now I think, I want 2019 back? # DelhiWeather #DelhiRains

– Deepika (deepikagola) May 14, 2020

What a scene in Delhi. This is in a main house. Wout out. #DelhiRains #delhiweather #hailstorm

Rijutarichi, 14 May 2020

Meanwhile my mom is enjoying her evening. #Delhi #hailstorm ??

– Lockdown wali PRINCESS ? (Jagat___Janani) May 14, 2020

When there is a cold storm in mid-may in Delhi. All my friends from or from Delhi will understand this well …

The craziest summer I’ve ever seen !!

…. # Delhi # Summer # Summer # Summer # Storm # Weather # New_What #Summer #

– Siddhart Jain (@ Siddharth2902) May 14, 2020

#delhi #WeatherUpdate

The most terrifying hailstorm I’ve ever seen.

– Tarun Arora (@ tarunarora760) May 14, 2020

Wind and stormy rain led to a significant reduction in mercury especially in northern Delhi. The institute official said temperatures fell by at least two degrees elsewhere.

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