A decision on booster shots to fight COVID may come soonExBulletin
A committee of independent experts to advise the FDA on vaccines will meet on Friday. They will consider Pfizer’s application to launch the COVID-19 vaccine booster for all Americans over the age of 16.
Noel King, Host:
A decision on COVID booster shots may be made today. The FDA’s Advisory Board will meet to consider Pfizer’s application to provide a third dose of the vaccine to all Americans over the age of 16. Everyone. NPR Science Correspondent Joe Parka is with us. Good morning, Joe.
Joe Parka, Byline: Morning, Noel.
King: What is the argument in favor of boosters?
PALCA: Well, the company points out data from Israel. Over time, the vaccine’s ability to prevent disease begins to decline. Therefore, the longer you get vaccinated, the more likely you are to get a breakthrough infection, even if it is a mild infection. There is also some evidence that vaccines to prevent severe illness are diminished for people at least 65 years of age, which is even more of a concern. Then there is a treatise from Israel this week that boosters-boosters reduce the likelihood of any or severe illness. And finally, there are test data that examine people’s blood over time to see if antibody levels are falling. And, as they are, it’s not entirely clear what that means to protect someone from illness. There are also data showing that boosters return those antibodies to high levels, which generally means more protection.
King: I see. Given all that, why do some scientists say it’s not that fast?
PALCA: Well, the data showing that the vaccine is less effective is not very strong. Immunologists like Marion Pepper at the University of Washington say boosters shouldn’t be talked about until the breakthrough infections that are sending people to hospitals increase.
Marion Pepper: I don’t think it’s done yet. I’ve never seen it before, so I need to see the data that boosters are essential right now.
King: Okay, so I have that objection. And some have ethically objected to giving Americans booster shots.
Parka: Yeah, many people around the world don’t report at all. I’m Buddy Kulich, Director of the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program.
Buddy Kulich: There are still billions of people around the world who do not have access to vaccines. I think it needs to go into our decision-making process.
Parka: And to be clear, there is some serious anger among countries that don’t have vaccines that rich countries are giving boosters, and poor countries get vaccines for love and money. I can’t.
King: So what do you think will happen when the FDA Advisory Board meets today?
Parka: Well, that should be a lively debate. And keep in mind that this is just an advisory board. It is still up to the FDA to make the final decision. They were able to achieve it today, perhaps a few days from now. I’m guessing-and I’m ready to go wrong, but the advisory board will say that boosters are suitable for some people, perhaps the elderly and those in good health. Buddy Kulich suggested another possibility.
Kulich: People who are front-line health care workers, people in long-term care facilities-they need a boost unless there is a reason other than keeping those in service and those at greatest risk away from danger. Maybe a mild cold that can keep them away from work.
Parka: Kulich says the health system is already showing signs of tension and it’s bad to lose staff due to illness.
KingExBulletin Science Correspondent Joe Parka. Thank you, Joe.
Parka: You are welcome.
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