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Will the second wave of coronavirus come? This is what we know so far


Coronavirus Mask-n95-Health-5141

Many experts have warned that as companies resume operations and home orders are gradually lifted, the resulting increase in coronavirus infections may result.

James Martin / CNET

For the latest news and information about the coronavirus epidemic, WHO website..

So Lockdown restrictions begin to relax In the United States and around the world, some healthcare professionals and global leaders Second wave of coronavirus infection People hit when they come into closer contact than they have in a few weeks.

Some public health experts say too fast It suggests that it is likely to come back to resume business and society. Others argue that the city needs to reopen Keep the economy floating, And its protective health measures Control coronavirus infections in restaurants, schools, malls and planes..

The full range of short-term and long-term effects of Coronavirus, And that COVID-19 disease The cause of it is still unknown, How much immunity you have after recovery When there is a possibility of reinfection. Also, it is not clear how government leaders will respond to the surge in coronavirus infections, but some, such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Reconstruction of lockdown measures If necessary.

This story provides an overview to help you stay on top of your current discussion. It is updated frequently in the light of new and changing information provided by health authorities, global leaders and the scientific community and is not intended for medical reference.

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Measuring coronavirus in wastewater helps predict …


What defines the “second wave” of illness? Do you have more?

Generally speaking, the “wave” of a pandemic is Periods of increased disease transmission Following the overall decline. Currently, cases of coronavirus continue Increased in some parts of the USNew infection rate Looks like it is shrinking In most other parts of the country and in the world, Ends with the first “wave” Of a pandemic. If the infection rate starts rising again, it indicates the next wave or “second wave”. The longer the pandemic lasts More waves may occur..

read more: 7 things you shouldn’t do when coronavirus lockdown and quarantine are over


Different parts of the country are raising lockdown orders at their own pace.

Angela Lang / CNET

The waves may be made up of small ripples

Coronavirus pandemic Does not affect the whole country In the same way or at the same time. Cities and states Lockdown and quarantine entered At different times, and also how the country is starting to escape from it, in different regions Gradual relaxation of restrictions At your own pace.

Some health professionals warn of lack of a unified reopening plan May Help Spread the Coronavirus And The second wave can actually be fueled When people move from where they were most affected to a much less infected place. Ali Khan, a former CDC executive, said the second wave Many simultaneous occurrences, smaller occurrences In summary, it looks like a singular wave.

read more: Need another face mask? You can buy online at any of these stores

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Vaccines, antibody tests, treatments: science …


When did the second wave of coronavirus hit?

Health authorities around the world are already seeing as countries and states begin to relax lockdown restrictions. Increased infection rate It may represent a second wave of coronavirus-related illnesses. Most public health professionals-including directors of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield,and Dr. Anthony Forch, Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases- Predict the next big rise Occur This fall or winter..

why? Case of flu Tends to fall during the summer, This has some health professionals Hope the COVID-19 case goes down When the weather becomes warm. Dr. Amesh Adalha, Johns Hopkins University Pandemic Preparation Expert, Told the Los Angeles Times Other coronaviruses do not work well in the summer months. This is because when you get out of your body, it gets dry when it gets hot, and UV rays from sunny weather affect it.

Recent Research published in the Canadian Medical Association JournalBut this particular coronavirus SARS-CoV-2Not affected by temperature difference, humidity effect is minimal. of Recent outbreaks in Mumbai And Indonesia’s ongoing struggle Emphasize the pandemic situation to contain the virus Impacts countries across climate zones, Including the equator or many areas near it.

Fall and winter rises can occur as a result of economic resumption, close contact of people, and new infections, but the reasoning is pure conjecture, not the result of scientific research. .. You have to wait until you see what really happens.


Like many other viruses, some experts expect the coronavirus to dissipate during hotter, sunny weather, but new research suggests that temperature does not affect the virus.

Patrick Holland / CNET

Is the second wave worse than the first?

If there is a second coronavirus wave, the severity of the outbreak depends on how well people maintain social distance, Many people wear face masks.. of Extensive availability of tests In addition to, may play a role Contract tracking For those who are positive.

For example, Recent research and computer models Developed under De Kai, a computer scientist appointed by both the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Hong Kong, where 80% of the population wears face masks in public, Coronavirus infection rate plunges (PDF) About 8% compared to the case without mask.


Most experts agree that extensive testing is needed to control outbreaks while waiting for coronavirus vaccines.

James Martin / CNET

According to the computer model, basically, the more the measures that help reduce the transmission of the disease, and the more effective those measures are, the more likely the infection rate will be the second time. ..

Other factors that may be involved are potential Coronavirus genetic variation It may become more or less contagious, if they do, Development of effective vaccine,development of Safe and effective treatment COVID-19 disease and the ability to test large populations, even those who do not appear ill.

Is there another blockade?

That is possible. Decisions about future quarantine depend on government leaders working with health authorities, but there are signs that it may be necessary.

In some parts of the world that have experienced a second wave of coronavirus infection after unlocking lockdown restrictions such as: Singapore, Hong Kong, Hokkaido island in Japan And Some regions of China, Lockdown measures have been restored to combat the second instance of rising infection rates. Until there is Effective vaccineAs the government coordinates its response to the ongoing fight against coronaviruses, the degree of lockdown can vary in different parts of the world.

Probably the most pressing question of all is what the second wave of coronaviruses means to you. This is our way of thinking Life takes care of quarantine It ends as an open brace for the second wave. If you have to leave home, here are some practical ways to stay Safe when going out.. Finally, Don’t master all good habits You developed during a pandemic-like washing your hands often.

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