Rendicivir vs Favipiravir and Other Covid-19 Reusable Drugs | Pune News
India needs to urgently decide on a course of medicine for Covid-19 treatment. The virus is about to stay, at least in the short term. The vaccine is also for a while.
There are at least 50 types of drugs, from HIV protease inhibitors to antiviral drugs, ACE inhibitors, anti-inflammatory drugs, pneumonia, respiratory, malaria, tuberculosis, arthritis, leprosy, alcoholism, immunomodulators, antidiarrheals ..
However, the Indian Medical Research Council has approved a fixed dose combination (FDC) of lopinavir-ritonavir, first prescribed for the treatment of HIV / AIDS for Covid-19 patients. Drug conversion and FDC clinical studies include trials of optimal doses for a limited number of patient cohorts. When time is important, the drug dose and efficacy of recycled drug, and side effects are clearly known. These drugs also have the advantage of being generally unpatented (old drugs) and are already manufactured by generic drug companies in India. The Drug Transfer Task Force has ranked favipiravir and tocilizumab as the most promising for combating this disease.
The new arrival in the therapeutic arsenal is the RNA polymerase inhibitor rendecivir. Stop coronavirus replication. Gilead Sciences of the United States discovered rendecibir to combat the 2014 African Ebola virus outbreak. It is now reviving this molecule through accelerated solidarity clinical trials.
Gilead holds the Rendecibir patent right granted by the Indian Patent Office on February 18, this year. The manufacture and sale of Lemedesibir requires the terms to be negotiated between the Indian pharmaceutical company and Gilead. Significant observations by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the US Food and Drug Administration (US-FDA) show that rendecibir shortens recovery from 15 to 11 days and improves mortality from 11.6% to 8% It is possible. Rendescivir is given intravenously. This means the patient needs to be in the hospital.
Fabipiravir, a purine nucleic acid analog, is a potent RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inhibitor approved for use in influenza. Both “viruses” work by a similar RNA virus cell killing mechanism. Several Indian companies, including the Scientific and Industrial Research Council (CSIR), have been licensed for clinical trials in favipiravir.
Published results of a favipiravir clinical study showed that out of 80 patients, 35 drug-treated significantly reduced viral clearance time compared to 45 in the control arm (yes Patients who did not) -11 also had a 7-day clinical recovery rate increased from 55.86% to 71.43% in the median drug group with 4-day recovery.
Fabipiravir is a bioavailable tablet marketed by Fujifilm in Japan as Avigan. A patent was filed in India around 2000, and the manufacturing process for economical production is almost complete. The molecular complexity of Rendescivir (formula: C27 H35 N6 O8 P) is due to its chirality or one-handedness, as well as its difficulty of synthesis and manufacturing process favipiravir (C5 H4 F N3 O2). Rendescivir is a new drug with its synthetic pathway and currently unoptimized scale-up.
Favipiravir may be an affordable COVID-19 drug with favorable results in human clinical trials.
The writer is a director of CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory in Pune and a senior professor of chemistry at Central University of Hyderabad. The expressed views are personal
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