Maine hospitals “for bumpy vehicles” with record-breaking COVID-19 patient stretching ability
Patients have been diverted from Maine hospitals or treated in corridors over the past few weeks as record-breaking COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to stress the healthcare system.
NS Record number Of the 225 people, he was hospitalized with COVID-19 on Tuesday, surpassing the previous day’s record. On Monday, 90% of those hospitalized were unvaccinated and Relatively few groundbreaking cases Occurs in the state. There are 48 critical care beds in the state, and these units have 82 people. This is increasingly defined by the number of staff that can be staffed as the labor shortage grows further.
That’s happening while some hospitals are taking strict steps to continue to provide care to vulnerable patients. Last Monday, Rumford Hospital needed to move emergency department patients to the corridor to provide better care.
Others Limited Elective Surgery Redirected the patient to another facility. The stress on space is prolonged from summer to autumn, Limited space In nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, after four were recently closed, according to industry experts.
Stephen Michaud, president of the Main Hospital Association, said: “There is no quick fix for this.”
Many hospitals have beds to accommodate more patients, but Michaux says there is a shortage of staff to fill them. Governor Janet Mills’ vaccination requirement to vaccinate health care workers by October 29 at the latest has recently called for more staff. For the time being, if the number of cases does not decrease, people may continue to see delayed care.
Eastern Maine Medical Centers, the main hospital of Northern Light Health in Bangor, 4th COVID-19 unit If necessary, spokesman Andrew Suchet said. Almost three-quarters of the 30 people in the intensive care unit are COVID-19 patients. About 13% of the 12,500 positions are open in the system, some of which are related to vaccine requirements, he said.
According to Maine Health spokeswoman John Porter, the Maine Medical Center also has flexible beds that span two new floors, but staff is needed to use them efficiently. In the last 6 months, the system has had approximately 2,600 jobs on staff of 23,000 care team members. This is due to Porter’s long-standing labor shortage. Fifty-one COVID-19 patients were recorded throughout the system, 23 of whom were in the intensive care unit.
Some hospitals are stressed without the large number of COVID-19 patients. According to Kim, at Rumford Hospital, the decision to move some patients to the corridor did not spur a large number of patients and was never used in cases of the virus. There were no cases confirmed at the hospital last Tuesday.
Dr. Gibson Parish, an epidemiologist based in Yarmouth, says the state is not yet in a good position to need ration care. , Said. However, the consequences of a hospital stopping medically necessary procedures can lead to health consequences downstream of the Mainers.
“Vaccination is very important at this point to ease the burden on the health care system,” he said.
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