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WA hospitalization rate drops, but COVID metric remains high

WA hospitalization rate drops, but COVID metric remains high


Washington — Washington hospital leaders have carefully welcomed the sustained decline in new COVID-19 cases, but at a news conference on Monday, the current curve remains much higher than its previous peak. Yes, mortality hasn’t dropped yet, and with the uncertainty of autumn and the coming of winter, it’s too early to determine if the state has been cornered.

Cathy Sauer, Chief Executive Officer of the Washington State Hospital Association, said: “But in late June [or] In early July, we wouldn’t have expected it to be as bad as it is now. The disease is so tricky and optimistic that I find it difficult to maintain a truly serious optimism. “

Citing state data, Sauer said that as of Monday morning, 1,277 patients were hospitalized with COVID-19 across the state, down from 1,504 patients last month. The number of cases is also declining at a slow pace, but the mortality rate remains rising.

“The state reports about 30 deaths every day,” Sauer said. “This is a tragic and tragic number, especially because all or almost all of these deaths are preventable.”

At Bellevue’s Overprint Hospital, staff have been working to increase the number of COVID-19 patients since August. Over the past two weeks, intensive treatment hospitalization has leveled off, but many early-hospitalized patients have died.

Dr. Lada Agrawar, an overlayk pulmonary doctor and specialist in critical care medicine, said: “You can pull out patients who are using less invasive devices, but when you get on the ventilator, the success rate is very low. This is something we, as doctors and healthcare providers, deal with. It was very difficult to do. This year, the success rate is much lower than last year in terms of getting these people out of the ventilator. “

Hospitals also need to postpone many non-urgent operations, including heart surgery and cancer treatment, due to staff burnout syndrome, lack of care, and very well-equipped facilities. Healthcare leaders are also worried about the unpredictable consequences of the approaching influenza season.

“I don’t know what winter will bring,” Agrawar said. “The way we’re working now … our nurses are almost pushed to the maximum. If there’s more influenza on top of that, I don’t know what our plan is. I don’t know. I just haven’t seen it and it’s working very well. ”

To help reduce stress on the healthcare system, authorities continue to encourage unvamped people to look for their COVID-19 shots along with their seasonal influenza shots. The state is also working to obtain more monoclonal antibody treatments assigned through the federal government, Sauer said. Authorities want to make them more accessible outside the hospital, such as through clinics and pharmacies.

“They work pretty well; they don’t work as well as vaccines,” Sauer said. “Some people think that monoclonal antibodies are a kind of” jailbreak card “because they weren’t vaccinated. They are useful, but not so good. Vaccination is the best bet. “

Asked about the potential staffing implications of medical workers who missed the state’s October 18 vaccination deadline, Sauer said vaccination rates have improved in recent weeks but lost medical staff. He said that was still a big concern. WSHA is working with the Governor’s Office and the Washington State Department of Health to collect data from members next week to better understand the immunity of state health care workers.




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