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What We Know About Covid-19 Jab for Kids

What We Know About Covid-19 Jab for Kids


When children get together at school, they can spread the disease, Green adds.If infected, they Experience only asymptomatic or mild symptomsHowever, that does not mean that all children can easily get rid of their illness. In the United States, hospitalizations for children and adolescents increased nearly five-fold between late June and mid-August 2021 as Delta became dominant. According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. In Israel, 0.2-0.5% of all seriously ill patients in October were children aged 0-19 years. In Israel, a total of 12 children aged 0-19 have died from Covid-19 since the outbreak of the pandemic.NS Ministry of Health Covid-19 Dashboard..

Children are also at risk for long-term symptoms after infection, primarily headaches and malaise, known as “long covids.” The report is different, recently 258,790 studies Children 5 to 17 years old In the United Kingdom, it was found that 2% to 4% of the 1,734 children who tested positive for Covid-19 experienced such long-term symptoms. In Israel, a similar study found that 11% of 13,864 children aged 3 to 18 years who recovered from Covid-19 reported long-term symptoms, including: Sleep disorders and problems with concentrationSome of these effects may result from long-term blockades and school closures, according to the authors of the study.

Given these factors, “it makes a lot of sense,” says Green. “The lesson is that vaccines have a good record of safety, with less serious adverse effects,” he adds, from Israel’s experience of vaccination of children aged 12 to 15.

Rarely affected 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 6,000 men aged 16 to 24 years vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in Israel Myocardial inflammation Called myocarditis, Green claims to be “almost always” treatable, although hospitalization may be required. Its side effects may also have to be seen in the context of the risk of Covid-19 infection. NS Israeli study of adults 16 years and older The risk of myocarditis was found to be “substantially increased” after Covid-19 infection compared to the incidence after vaccination.

Other Israeli public health authorities have expressed greater caution.

“Vaccination of children under the age of 12 is medical and ethical,” said Adi Niv Yagoda, a health policy expert at Tel Aviv University and a member of the Covid-19 Advisory Board of the Israeli Ministry of Health. , Social problems and doubts arise. ” on mail. “On the other hand, vaccination of children between the ages of 5 and 12 can be very helpful in coping with the increasing prevalence of Covid-19 and reducing the scale of the corona epidemic. Natural concerns [is] About possible future health effects “

These concerns are also reflected in Nicole Ritz at the University of Basel Children’s Hospital. “Are you vaccinated young children to protect yourself or to them to protect society?” Children who treated 20-30 children and adolescents with PIMS Ask Ritz, an infectious disease expert (Pediatric inflammatory polyphyly syndrome), Rare and severe syndrome that occurs in Less than 0.5% of children The person who has (or had) Covid-19.

If the illness remains benign to most children, only a small group of them are prone to severe illness-children with risk factors Obesity, diabetes, lung disease, etc. – Ritz explains that you may benefit directly from vaccination. But if the only benefit of immunizing a child is to protect her grandparents, she says, “the vaccine must be very safe.”





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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