Welsh NHS boss warns about “difficult times to come” as winter approaches
he Wales The NHS is facing one of the toughest winters it has ever faced, its chief executive warns.
Dr. Andrew Goodall said the dual challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic and other respiratory viruses would put a great deal of pressure on the Wales NHS.
Currently, Wales has a record waiting time for treatment to begin with more than 600,000 people on the list.
Accident and emergency units are also under pressure Welsh ambulance service I had to call for military support for the third time since the pandemic began.
Winter has always been a difficult time and our demands on our health and social care system have never exceeded this pandemic period.
The Wales government has invested an additional £ 42 million in social care, some of which is being used to relieve pressure on hospital beds.
Funding was announced as part of a series of measures included in the NHS Wales Health and Social Care Winter Plan.
The Welsh government said winter plans would help ensure that emergency medical care could address and minimize the disruption to planned medical care.
Dr. Goodall, Chief Executive Officer of the Welsh NHS, said: Important services will continue to run.
“Our service needs to be agile and able to accommodate people who need hospital care when their condition worsens, and as much as possible at home to reduce the need to go to the hospital for care. You need to provide support nearby. “
Over £ 248m has already been invested through the NHS Recovery Fund as part of the coronavirus pandemic recovery.
Eluned Morgan, Minister of Health and Social Welfare, said:
Workers’ plans to support the NHS this winter are basically the same as last year, with the worst A & E wait on record, the longest treatment backlog ever, and slow ambulance response times. Guided us.
“Our NHS continues to provide essential services and does everything possible to ensure that planned care continues during this busy period.
“Everyone can play their part by thinking about the different options for getting vaccinated against Covid and the flu and getting the care they need.
“I also today announce £ 42 million in social care funding. The pandemic puts a heavy burden on the social care system and the investment to give people access to proper care at home is We believe it will prevent unnecessary hospitalizations, speed up patient discharges, and create the coveted additional bed capacity in our hospitals.
“This plan and additional funding can reduce confusion with planned care.
“But due to system pressure, we can’t expect to actually break into the waiting time until spring.
“But I am determined to tackle this problem and am very aware of how difficult it was for those who have been waiting for treatment for a long time.
“The Health Board will continue to support people waiting for treatment.”
Conservative health spokesman Russell George has accused the Wales government of “copying and pasting” last year’s NHS program.
“Workers’ plans to support the NHS this winter are basically the same as last year, with the worst A & E wait on record, the longest treatment backlog ever, and the slow response time of ambulances. Led us to, “he said. ..
“Their plans look like copy-and-paste exercises. It’s even more confusing given that the minister reports late and is even more late.
“After a quarter of a century of inadequate control, the Welsh government has acknowledged that we are facing a crisis and it is time to address the shortcomings of infection control to staff burnout and bed cuts.”
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