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Australian researchers have announced a COVID-19 calculator to assess the risk of viruses


The COVID-19 Risk Calculator, which can assess the likelihood of people dying from a coronavirus infection based on age, gender, vaccination status, and community spread, is available today.

Kirsty Short, a virologist at the University of Queensland, says that online tools make informed decisions about COVID-19 vaccination in light of personal circumstances and measure the likelihood of infection based on a variety of infection scenarios. Said it was designed to help with.

“We can also find the potential for atypical blood clots from the AstraZeneca vaccine and confirm this data in the context of other related risks, such as lightning strikes and OzLotto’s victory.”

The CoRiCal project is a collaboration between the Immunization Coalition, the University of Queensland, Flinders University, Latrobe University and the University of Queensland Institute of Technology.

This included opinions from general practitioners, medical scientists, public health doctors, epidemiologists and statisticians.

Pilot stage calculator

Dr. Short, one of the research leaders who developed CoRiCal, We are still in the pilot stage and are assessing risks and benefits based solely on the AstraZeneca vaccine...

Dr. Kirsty Short
Dr. Short said the researchers are planning to update the calculator to explain a person’s existing dosing status.(((Courtesy: University of Queensland).

This tool is continually updated with the latest health and scientific evidence, including risk calculations for Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines. This will be added in the coming weeks.

Both mRNA COVID vaccines are associated with a small number of cases of pericarditis and myocarditis: inflammation of different parts of the heart.

Dr. Short plans to update the computer to explain a person’s existing dosing status, which is a known susceptibility risk factor for developing severe COVID-19, such as obesity and diabetes. I said there is.

Ultimately, we hope that this tool will also assess the likelihood that a person will develop long COVID if the patient exhibits long-term symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, and brain fog. ..

“I think this is a very important consideration that people need to make, especially for young individuals who may not be at high risk of dying if infected with COVID-19, but long COVID is a real thing. It’s a threat, not everyone wants it. I have it. “

“I’m waiting for more reliable data, but I think this is an important feature of the calculator, especially for young people.”

Save “you have to solve it yourself”

Colleen Lau, a UQ professor of infectious disease epidemiology who was involved in the development of the calculator modeling framework, presents risk and benefit analysis in a simple and interactive way, and people “do not have to solve it themselves.” Said.

“You enter your age, your gender, the number of vaccinations you have received, and the level of infection to your community,” she said.

“Calculate the risk of side effects from the vaccine and the risk of getting or dying from COVID if not vaccinated.”

Professor Lau of the University of Queensland’s School of Public Health said Queensland was relatively free of community infections during the pandemic, but bordered New South Wales, Victoria, ACT, and the world. When reopened, he said this would not continue.

“It is impossible to maintain zero transmission forever,” she said.

“And it takes time for the vaccine to work, so the sooner you get the vaccine, the better.”

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Play the video.Time: 29 minutes 27 seconds

Occurrence: How Australia lost control of the Delta variant

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