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Don’t count on the vaccine against COVID-19, the best HIV scientist warns


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Leading HIV scientists Us. Wednesday said people should not expect COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing According to reports, the vaccine is always available soon.

Known for his groundbreaking research on HIV / AIDS and the human genome, William Hasseltin said that while the COVID-19 vaccine could be developed, “I don’t count on it.” Said.

“Don’t listen to politicians who say they will participate in elections until my re-election,” said Hasseltin, according to the Guardian. “maybe, [but] What I’m saying is that it’s never a slam dunk … whenever people try to make a vaccine for Sarrs or Mars, it’s not really protected. “

Coronavirus vaccine may never come, health experts warn

The pharmacist will give the first shot of a Phase I safety trial clinical trial of a potential vaccine for COVID-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus in Seattle on March 16, 2020. , Produced antibodies similar to those found in people who recovered from COVID-19 in study volunteers given either low or medium doses. (AP Photo / Ted S. Warren, File)

The pharmacist will give the first shot of a Phase I safety trial clinical trial of a potential vaccine for COVID-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus in Seattle on March 16, 2020. , Produced antibodies similar to those found in people who recovered from COVID-19 in study volunteers given either low or medium doses. (AP Photo / Ted S. Warren, File)

A former professor at Harvard Medical School who founded two research units on cancer and HIV / AIDS was one of the first to recognize the risks posed by the latter disease. Nordic Life Science News..

Looking at COVID-19, he said that vaccines developed in the past for other types of coronaviruses were unable to protect the nasal mucosa where the virus normally enters the body.

He also tested the COVID-19 vaccine in animals and found a reduction in viral load in certain organs-the infection was still there.

After claiming good results in a vaccine trial on Monday, Modena explained that it “is equivalent to the CEO of a listed company that publishes a favorable earnings report without providing supporting financial data.” Washington Post..

Rather than relying on vaccines to resolve coronavirus pandemics, he said the best way to control the virus is to carefully track the infection and use strict isolation measures whenever it begins to spread. The press reported that he believed it to be preventive.

Trump predicts when it might become a vaccine

He advised people to wear masks, wash their hands, clean the surface and keep a distance to limit their spread.

Hasseltin also gave his opinion on which country has best dealt with the coronavirus crisis since its outbreak began six months ago.

According to the Guardian, China, South Korea and Taiwan are doing their best to control infectious diseases, while the United States, Russia and Brazil are in the worst situation.

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According to him, China and several other Asian countries did a good job of keeping infected people out of the general public, News agency.. Meanwhile, he blamed the United States and other countries for not doing enough to “force quarantine” those exposed to the virus.

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