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New trend: old dresses – L & # 39; Aggie


The recent Oscars have seen an increase in the number of celebrities recycling their outfits on the red carpet

Throughout the awards season, some of the most influential people in the world come together to celebrate their entertainment achievements. In recent years, celebrities have used this platform to raise awareness of cultural issues and social change.

During the #MeToo movement, a large number of celebrities attended the Golden Globes 2018 wearing all #TimesUp black and sporty buttons. This collective statement dominated the conversations that evening and in the following news cycle.

In 2020, the main issue discussed during the awards season was climate change. The events themselves have changed focus with an emphasis on sustainability. For example, the Golden Globes, Critics’s Choice Awards and Screen Actors Guild Awards have been fully provided vegan meals to the participants.

Other private organizations have started implementing their own changes on the red carpet. A women's-led organization, Red Carpet, Green Dress, aims to show that haute couture does not need to have a high environmental cost. Thanks to an exclusive partnership with the Academy Awards, this organization dressed actresses like Kaitlyn Dever in a tailored ethical dress by Louis Vuitton.

Haute couture stimulates trends that have a direct impact on daily consumption, so this movement could very well have a significant impact on daily fashion. The Parisian luxury conglomerate Kering, which also owns Yves Saint Laurent and Balenciaga, has promised to reduce its environmental impact of 40% by 2025.

Individuals dressed in couture also played a big role. Especially, the actors re-ported themselves in order to refrain from spending too much and overconsumption. The season of awards is known for many dress changes: actresses are usually expected to wear a different dress for each ceremony they attend, and that doesn't even include after-parties. This can lead to excessive production of lavish single-use fashion which is extremely damaging to the environment.

This year, in particular, many stars on List A were seen sporting old trends. Of Joaquin

Phoenix to Elizabeth Banks, there were many examples indicating that sustainable fashion could be here to stay. Laura Dern dizzy in a 25-year-old dress that looked as trendy and flattering in 2020 as it did in 1995.

One of the most outspoken celebrities in this movement is actress Jane Fonda. Fonda is a vocal activist with the climate justice movement as of December 20, 2019, and has been arrested five times for protesting the continued use of fossil fuels on the Capitol steps in Washington, DC Fonda has vowed to ; buy new clothes and stayed true to her word by wearing a new 2014 dress at this year's Academy Awards with of ethical origin Pomellato jewelry.

Nothing good has ever happened without mass movement and we need mass movement now to focus on the climate, Fonda said in an interview with Elle Magazine.

Written By: Alyssa Ilsley [email protected]

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