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Welsh Medical Staff Joins Next Step in Coronavirus Vaccine Trial | Business Wire Wales


500 Welsh medical staff have been recruited to participate in the next phase of coronavirus vaccine research.

All participants in Wales come from the area of ​​the Anelin Bevan University Health Commission.

The trial, conducted by the Oxford Vaccine Group, is moving to the second of three phases, aiming to find a safe vaccine that provides immunity against Covid-19.

They aim to recruit a total of 10,000 participants from all over the UK. Other participating sites include Southampton, St. George, Imperial, Bristol and Oxford.

Public Health Wales leads the recruitment of 500 staff over the age of 18 and works in the medical and nursing homes of the Anelin Bevan University Health Commission.

Half of the volunteers are 18-55 years old and the other half are 55-70 years old.

Participants will be staff sourced from hospitals, GP practices, pharmacies, physiotherapy, community care, and other nonclinical professions within secondary care who are considered at risk of exposure to coronaviruses. Eligible participants will receive details from the Health Committee on how to participate if they wish.

This stage of the trial is not open to the public.

Volunteers will be randomly randomized and will receive one or two doses of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine or a licensed vaccine and will be used as a “control” for comparison.

ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 is made from a weakened version of the common cold virus that causes infection in chimpanzees. It is genetically modified so that it is impossible for humans to replicate it.

Dr. Chris Williams, Principal Investigator, Public Health Wales, said: “This is an important study testing the efficacy of one of Covid-19’s leading candidate vaccines in Wales.

“If successful, vaccination offers the path from this pandemic. We are looking for participants to screen and administer the vaccine and monitor outcomes and safety.”

In Wales, the research is led by Dr. Williams, and the Anelin Bevan University Health Commission serves as the host site.

This is an “exciting opportunity” for staff to participate in “excellent exams,” said Professor Suber, Director of Research and Development at Aneurin Bevan University Health Commission.

The Clinical Research Center at Cardiff University and Healthcare Research Wales are also involved in important research.

Although it typically takes several months to prepare such an investigation, an amazing feat has been achieved by such a dedicated and skilled team working across organizational boundaries.

This is a powerful step for research, even if it appears to be just a small step in our national response to Covid-19.

– Professor Kerry Hood, Director of Clinical Research Center, Cardiff University

This phase of the study is scheduled to start on June 1st, with follow-up planned for up to one year and results will be available.

Coronavirus: Everything You Need to Know:


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