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Saudi designer Yousef Akbar: a foray into fashion was a coincidence


DUBAI: Saudi designer Yousef Akbars, a foray into fashion, was, he says, a pure coincidence.

In his final year of study at the University of Sydney, where he was completing a master's degree in supply chain management, the designer of women's clothing decided that he wanted learn how to make a jacket.

I thought: I only have one semester left, why am I not learning something new? he reminds Arab News. Akbar, who is based between Saudi Arabia and Australia, then applied for what he thought was a quick fashion course at Sydneys Ultimo TAFE, but turned out to be a four-year fashion diploma.

Yousef Akbar Spring 2018 Collection. (Provided)

I thought I was just going to learn how to make a jacket and go out. I didn't expect to get a degree in fashion design, he said.

While Akbar admits that he has always loved fashion, the idea of ​​pursuing it as a career in its own right never even occurred to him.

However, by the end of the first year of the program, the creator knew he wanted to launch his own brand. At first, I was devastated to discover that sewing and making jackets were skills that you learn in second year and that I had to stay in the program for a whole year and learn all these boring things when all that I wanted to do was create a jacket, it reveals.

But at the end of the first year, I loved it so much. I thought, what a big coincidence. I didn't see myself doing anything else.

The designer was not only able to acquire the skills necessary to create a jacket, but he was also able to refine his knowledge in fashion design, learning everything from concept creation and sewing to sewing, draping, creating patterns and even a little fashion marketing. .

Yousef Akbar Spring 2018 Collection. (Provided)

Akbar graduated in 2015 as one of the best students in his class. As a result, the designer had the opportunity to present his collection during Australia Fashion Week.

The pieces of contemporary evening wear designers were then worn by artists like American singer Kelly Rowland and model and author Chrissy Teigen, who made headlines in a bold black long-sleeved dress with a cutout back and two slits at hip level, held together by safety pins from his 2017 resort collection, which ultimately propelled Akbar into the spotlight.

Chrissy Teigen wearing Yousef Akbar. (AFP)

International recognition has undoubtedly helped the designer to win first place in the Not Just a Labels competition in partnership with Fashion Forward Dubai.

The Saudi-born designer beat 169 other candidates to get his own fashion show at the next Fashion Forward in April.

Showing in Dubai is something I've always wanted to do, but I've never had the chance, says the designer of his Middle East debut. When I woke up to see that I had won the contest, I was really surprised, he admits.

As for what the public can expect? I will show 15 looks, he revealed. There will be a lot of embellishments, drapes and silks. The parade will be colorful and sparkling.

Its main purpose is to present something that guests will think of long after the show has ended. You will see something that will be different and memorable. It is still my goal and make you want to buy it, of course.

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