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Boris Johnson Hosts Meeting With Cobra As Minister Warns Of Stopping Sports In UK


Cancellation of sporting events and closure of museums and galleries due to coronavirus would be 'premature', said British Culture Secretary as British Prime Minister assembled ministers for an emergency meeting of Cobra to discuss the next steps to fight the disease.

While some other European countries cancel mass gatherings or limit the number of people who can attend large events, Oliver Dowden said there was "no plan" for Britain to do likewise.

Dowden insisted UK government is following advice from health officials and, although the situation is being kept under surveillance, there is currently "no need" to cancel major events or for people to avoid museums or other public places.

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He told BBC Breakfast: "There is no reason why people should not participate in or cancel such events at this stage, but we are keeping that under review."

Asked about the possibility of closing galleries and museums, he said: "I think all this is quite premature at this stage, we are not at all close to this type of scene."

Last week, England’s chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, told MEPs that the UK is mainly heading into the delay phase of its coronavirus strategy, the point at which these “social distancing” measures could be gradually introduced.

Boris Johnson is holding a Cobra emergency meeting to find out if the UK should officially move into the delay phase – which is the second phase of the government's four-part plan.

This weekend, Italy imposed restrictions on around 16 million people for almost a month in order to stop the spread of the disease in this country.

Italy now has the highest number of confirmed cases outside China, with 7,375 people, and its death toll stands at 366.

France, where more than 1,100 cases have been recorded and 19 people have died, announced the ban on events of more than 1,000 people.

There are 280 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the UK and three people have died in British hospitals.

Meanwhile, the UK Department of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (FCO) has stated that it is in contact with around 142 British nationals aboard the cruise ship Grand Princess, which is expected to begin disembarking guests Americans at the Port of Oakland on Monday.

The FCO said on Sunday evening that it was "working intensely" with the US authorities to organize a flight for British citizens, who should then be quarantined.

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British Secretary of Health Matt Hancock and Surgeon General Chris Whitty in Downing Street before the Cobra Committee meeting (Stefan Rousseau / PA)
British Secretary of Health Matt Hancock and Surgeon General Chris Whitty in Downing Street before the Cobra Committee meeting (Stefan Rousseau / PA)

A statement from Princess Cruises said the landing "should be a multi-day process," adding: "The US Coast Guard will send health and social services teams from California to assist with medical triage, screening and maintenance. , and prioritize those who need the most acute care.

"To avoid delays, testing will be done when customers arrive at their destination."

Meanwhile, in Italy, the British are still able to leave isolation areas in the North, although anyone wishing to go there from the UK is advised not to do so, except in an emergency.

The FCO said: "British nationals can still leave Italy without restriction.

"Residents of other regions of Italy are allowed to leave the isolation areas to return home.

“Otherwise, entry and exit from these areas is prohibited without official authorization for reasons of strict necessity; the authorities confirmed to us that this would be granted for reasons such as medical needs or work requirements. "

Throughout Italy, museums and cultural institutions are closed and all sports equipment must be played behind closed doors.

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Day care centers, schools and universities are closed until March 15, while public and social gatherings should be avoided with cinemas, pubs and clubs closed. Restaurants and bars remain open with reduced seating.

A limited number of UK commercial flights, including EasyJet, still fly to and from northern Italy.

A British Airways spokesperson said: "Following the modification of the British government's travel advice for northern Italy, we are reviewing our schedule and have contacted all customers who need to travel today .

"We also offer customers booked for a flight before April 2 the possibility to change their reservation to another date until the end of May, or to go through Zurich or Geneva instead.

"Passengers who have to travel to northern Italy today have had the option of a full refund."

Travelers returning from isolation areas in northern Italy are advised to isolate themselves if they have returned to the UK in the past 14 days, even if they have no symptoms of coronavirus.

In other developments in the UK:

– Dr. David Nabarro, one of the World Health Organization's six coronavirus special envoys, said the British government was probably considering restricting religious and community gatherings in order to delay the spread of disease.

– Southampton University Hospital has closed its highly addictive surgery unit to new admissions after a staff member tested positive for the coronavirus.

– The Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sports is hosting a meeting on Monday with governing bodies and broadcasters to discuss how to manage the potential impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on the sports calendar.

– Oliver Dowden said teams of experts have been brought together to combat the potential spread of "disinformation and digital interference" around the coronavirus.

– Secretary of the Environment, George Eustice, will hold further talks with retailers on how to support vulnerable groups who may have to self-isolate, amid widespread storage.

– Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle will also chair a meeting of the House of Commons Committee to discuss the response from Parliament.

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Johnson will tell the Cobra committee on Monday that fighting the epidemic will require a "national and international effort".

He should say, "I am convinced that the British people are ready to play their part in this."

Professor Whitty and Chief Scientific Advisor Sir Patrick Vallance are scheduled to attend the meeting.

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