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Boris Johnson: Breathtaking Rishi Sunak Plan Unveiled By Vote Leave Insiders As Budget Approaches UK | New


On February 14, Sajid Javid shocked Westminster when he left the post of Chancellor of the Exchequer amidst the cabinet reshuffle of Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Javid rejected Johnson’s order to sack his assistants in favor of a number 10-number 11 joint team, saying that no self-respecting minister could have accepted such a condition. He was due to present his first budget in four weeks.

His resignation followed rumors of tensions between him and Prime Minister's senior advisor Dominic Cummings – later supported by several sources from Downing Street.

His 39-year-old replacement, Rishi Sunak, has "checked the right boxes" and will table his first budget on Wednesday.

Tax, pension, housing and welfare changes are likely to occur, as well as increased spending in the north of England as the Conservatives seek to reward voters who have helped the party take power in the December elections.

Since his appointment, many have wondered if Mr. Sunak would be up to the job – as he is one of the youngest to have held this position.

However, in an interview with, Lord David Owen said that it was obvious that the Prime Minister had been considering making Mr. Sunak the chancellor for months – and that he was without no doubt the right choice.

The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and co-founder of the SDP explained: "The Prime Minister has chosen him for a long time.

"I think even more than a year, really.

"During his entire stay, Boris gave him greater importance.

"He gave him more importance than any other cabinet minister during the election campaign.

"And he was only in cabinet as chief secretary to the treasury."

Lord Owen noted: "It is a big job. He arrives at the Chancellery very well prepared.

"When I succeeded Anthony Crosland as Minister of Foreign Affairs at his death, I was his assistant, and it was a great help to me.

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"I think Boris made the right decision. I have nothing against Sajid Javid – I probably would have done the same."

"This guy, Sunak, has just taken office a little earlier than expected. But everything was planned."

Former Ukip MP Douglas Carswell echoed Lord Owen's claims and told that the appointment of Mr Sunak as Chancellor represents a broader blueprint which will ultimately make the government more " effective".

He said: "It is understood that to make the UK more efficient in terms of governance, there are several things we need to address.

"The center of government, and by that I mean Downing Street, the Cabinet Office and the Treasury must be more cohesive and united. This is what the Prime Minister understands.

"A lot of people focused on the soap opera about the departure of Sajid Javid.

"But I think what's really significant is that now you finally have a consistent center.

"The budget states the elements, the Treasury, Downing Street and the Cabinet work together."

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In 2014, Boris Johnson's advisor, Dominic Cummings, had already announced his intentions to reform the Cabinet and "break the power of the Treasury".

Speaking at a conference organized by the Institute for Research on Public Policy six years ago, Mr. Cummings said: "The whole structure of cabinet is completely broken and all those who have to face it know that it is absolutely dysfunctional.

"It has to change very quickly.

"It’s on my to-do list if I can control number 10.

"Then I would shrink the cabinet.

"The idea that a cabinet with 30 people is completely broad. It should be a maximum of six or seven.

"I would also break the power of the Treasury.

"The Treasury doesn't care about saving money.

"The government's account system is based on the search for money.

"The expenditure review process does not work at all.

"If you try to do the expenditure review with the current process, it will be a nightmare for anyone who is about to do so."

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