Nashville Participates in National Deployment of COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 5-11 Years Old
When dozens of families broke into the clinic, six-year-old Lillian Odel proudly hoisted a stuffed pink pig named Wilbur while waiting for her “I Got My COVID-19 Vaccine” sticker. ..
“She was very brave,” said her mother, Heather Odel.
Lillian and her mom first visited the Vaccine Clinic at Monroe Karel Junior Children’s Hospital in Vanderbild on Monday morning. This scene was part of the national rollout of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11, with federal approval last week.
At schools, clinics and clinics across the country, children started the week with the first shot of two shots that many families had been worried about for months. In Tennessee, approving children aged 5 to 11 is expected to increase immunization rates that have been stagnant in recent weeks.
Pfizer is currently the only vaccine available to children and has not yet been approved for children under the age of four. According to the CDC, each of the two doses a child aged 5 to 11 receives is one-third the size of the dose given to an adult.
Nashville Vaccine:Where to get the COVID-19 vaccine for children over 5 years old
“Incredible effort”
On Monday, the kids were pushed into a booth with makeshift curtains to get their shots. Some have been paired with their siblings.
A therapy dog named Squid bounced around the room, relieving anxious children and encouraging smiles and laughter. The movie “Frozen” was shown in a waiting room where children sat and watched for 15 minutes after filming and handed out stickers with Scooby Doo and other characters.
Kathy Moss of the Registered Nurse helped coordinate the event of the day. She is part of a team of doctors, nurses and managers who oversee Vaccination programs for larger children in Vanderbilt.
“It was an incredible effort,” Moss said. “Everyone got together to make this happen.”
Approximately 125 children were scheduled for Monday, with more children scheduled to come throughout the week. Moss recalled his 12-year-old son’s feelings when he was vaccinated this summer and said it was related to the relief many expressed.
“I feel for these families,” she said. “Hopefully we are on the way around the corner.”
Brothers Harrison and Rebecca Humphreys, 11 and 9, respectively, were sitting in the same booth for the vaccine. Their mother, Elizabeth Humphreys, was waiting while she was waiting.
“We are very excited,” she said. “It helps you feel a little safe to go on vacation.”
She said she was the youngest of seven children, and Harrison and Rebecca were the last two in the family to be vaccinated.
Rebecca, wearing a “Future Scientist” T-shirt, said her shot didn’t hurt at all and gave up her thumb with sparkling eyes.
And Harrison?
“Only a little,” he said. “Like just a moment.”
Where to find a COVID-19 vaccine for your child
Free COVID-19 vaccine for people over 5 years old is widely available nationwide.
The Metro Nashville Public School offers vaccine clinics in collaboration with the City Health Department until early December, which began on Monday.The full schedule can be found at
The vaccine is also available at two drive-through COVID-19 vaccination and testing sites in Nashville and the Community Pop-up Clinic. For more information, please visit the following URL:
For those who want to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Vanderbilt, Online VUMC Vax tool so Alternatively, call the COVID-19 hotline (888-312-0847). Current patients can also schedule vaccinations from the My Health portal.
You can also check with your local hospital, doctor, pharmacy, grocery store or walk-in clinic. Please call in advance to check availability and schedule.You can also find vaccine options nationwide
Find reporter Rachel Wegner on [email protected] or Twitter @rachelannwegner..
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