“Off and Away” earthquake lights with top 40 charts and over 1.1 million streams.
Orchestral Rock isn’t a genre you hear often and actually isn’t the kind that often rivals the likes of Fall Out Boy, The Killers, and Ozzy Osbourne. However, Brooklyn-based Earthquake Lights appears to be giving traditional rock a run for its money. In 2020, they racked up gold by featuring one of their original releases, “Off and Away,” on Vulfpecks’ popular album, “The Joy of Music, Real Estate Job.” Not only did it fit well on the album, but it also helped them amass a following that had already been brewing for years.
After their new release “Empty Sky”, which put them on the iTunes Rock Top 100 chart and over 200,000 streams on Spotify, the band seems to be heading towards more success. A year later and some changes after that, they celebrated their first anniversary with a newly remastered version of “Off and Away” as part of what appears to be a new single launch heading into 2022. This time they made it to the Top 40 iTunes Rock charts and gained more than 1.1 million streams in its first week of release.
Whatever happens with the Brooklyn-based Orchestral rock band, they call for eyeball peeling and a great deal of respect because such feats are often not attributed to the genre nor the traditional indie rock bands. A representative of the group has confirmed that at least four more singles will be released through 2022, starting with their next single, “Desert Bloom,” which will be released in December of 2021.
You can listen to “Off and Away” now on Spotify and all other streaming platforms. You can also keep up with everything Earthquake Lights on Instagram.
The original source for the original story >> Earthquake Lights “Off and Away” with Top 40 charts and over 1.1 million streams.
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