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Nothing makes me stop: how Cammi Granato got his first place in hockey


Like his brothers, Cammi Granato loved to play mini hockey sticks in the basement of the Chicago suburban family home. Inspired by the 1980 American Olympic team Miracle on Ice, they claimed to be the upstart Americans who defeated the mighty Russians. Like her brothers, she dreamed of going to the NHL.

I wanted to play for the Blackhawks, because they were my idols, she says. I dreamed of the same dream as them and it only occurred to me when I was probably 12 or 13 years old. Will I be able to do this?

My mom tried to steer me to another sport, thinking that at some point I had to stop, and I remember watching it and crying and I ran into it the stairs and said: I'm not going to stop. Nothing makes me stop. I was a hockey player. I lived and breathed the same way as my brothers.

Granato couldn't play hockey at the University of Wisconsin, like his brothers Tony and Don, because there was no female team at the time. Instead, she played at Providence College as an undergraduate and at Concordia University in Montreal as a graduate student. (Tony has had a respectable NHL career and Don is an assistant coach with the Buffalo Sabers.)

Clever avant-garde with an excellent touch of score, Granato participated in the first world championships of women in 1990 and was captain of the American team champion of 1998 at the time of the first Olympic tournament of female hockey. After spending a season commenting on Kings' radio broadcasts, she returned to the United States team and won a silver medal at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. She has played in nine tournaments world championship, highlighted by American women winning their first world title in 2005.

In 2008, Granato became the first woman elected to the American Hockey Hall of Fame and was one of the first three women elected to the International Hockey Hall of Fame.

She recently had another first when she was hired as a professional scout by the NHL expansion team in Seattle, a milestone in a wave of change that included women hired as NBA assistant coaches. Women have been qualified for these jobs, she said. Now, it's exciting because there are more forward thinking people who offer these jobs and who know that the person is qualified, regardless of gender.

Granato supported the women who promised to boycott the 2017 world championships in Plymouth, Michigan if USA Hockey didn't raise their wages and no longer offer programs for girls and women. Social media was an ally for them, an advantage that Granato and his teammates did not have.

She remembered having high hopes that women's hockey would thrive after the 1998 team was welcomed home with parades and late night talk show appearances, but her hopes fell apart when USA Hockey did nothing to promote them until the world championships were held in Minnesota in 2001.

Cammi Granato

After his playing career ended, Cammi Granato worked as a scout for the new NHL franchise in Seattle.

(Tom Hauck / Getty Images)

This is the year we tried to fight for certain rights, she said, like the girls did two years ago, for the same things as ; they asked or very similar to the ones they asked. We were basically told, shut up and play, and (that) we were fortunate to have a team.

A settlement a few days before the 2017 world championships gave the American women's team a better salary and per diem, and the same travel and insurance considerations as the men's team. I am happy to know that the change is there and that there is momentum, says Granato.

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