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A third outbreak of bird flu was confirmed in the United Kingdom, and a 10km controlled area was enforced.

A third outbreak of bird flu was confirmed in the United Kingdom, and a 10km controlled area was enforced.


Lancashire’s unnamed facility became the third to be placed in a temporary controlled area after a fatal bird flu case was discovered on Tuesday.

A third outbreak of British bird flu has been confirmed on a farm in Lancashire. This is due to the introduction of controlled areas to prevent the spread of the disease.
A third outbreak of British bird flu has been confirmed on a farm in Lancashire. This is due to the introduction of controlled areas to prevent the spread of the disease. ((((

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A third outbreak of British bird flu has been confirmed on a farm in Lancashire. This is due to the introduction of controlled areas to prevent the spread of the disease.

According to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, there are 3km and 10km temporary controlled areas around an unnamed site of infection in Kirkham, Lancashire, and all birds on the premises will be “humanely disposed of.” is.

Only days after other disease control areas were declared around the sites of Leeming Bar, North Yorkshire and Salwick, Lancashire.

Two swans were found dead in Blackpool on Monday on suspicion of bird flu.

Kirkham’s new disease control area will take effect yesterday (November 16) at 1:30 pm, reaching more than 10 km in all directions from an unnamed location. Lancashire live report.

Kirkham’s new disease control area went into effect yesterday at 1:30 pm.



The wider 10km “Zone B” reaches Wharton, Higher Penn Warsam, Fulwood, Broughton, Burton, Woodplumpton, Billsborough, Little Ecclestone, Great Ecclestone, Hesketh Bank and Freckleton.

The small 3km “Zone A” includes Newton with Scale, Wesham, Trearez and Swillbrook.

In a statement, a DEFRA spokesperson said:

“Further testing is underway to confirm the pathogenicity of the strain. There are 3km and 10km temporary controlled areas around the site.

“All birds on the infected premises are humanely killed.”

Bird flu is a severe, often fatal type of influenza that affects birds, especially poultry, and is known to occasionally infect humans.

Bird-to-human transmission is known to be extremely rare, but several deaths have been recorded.

Humans, whether dead or alive, can become infected with bird flu through close contact with infected birds.

according to To the NHS This included touching birds and their dung and bedding, killing infected poultry and preparing them for cooking.

However, even in the outbreak area, it is not possible to catch bird flu by eating fully cooked poultry and eggs.

What are the rules in the temporary management zone?

This measure is expected to affect all farms and businesses within the marked area where poultry or other captive birds are bred.

Occupants of facilities within the zone must record who visited the facility, the date of the visit, and whether that person came into contact with poultry or captive birds.

They must also keep a record of all poultry entering and leaving the site as soon as possible after moving.

Anyone engaged in the transportation or sale of poultry or poultry eggs within the zone should make a record of all transportation or sale as soon as possible.

All movements of poultry must be recorded, including the amount and description of the type of poultry or type of eggs transferred, the date of departure from the premises, the destination, and the name and address of the person to whom the poultry was transferred.

In addition to keeping these records, captive birds and poultry must be quarantined or kept by their owners.

If not bred or quarantined, owners should take all reasonable steps to avoid contact with poultry and other captive birds on the premises and to minimize contact with wild birds. I have.

All carcasses not seized or disposed of by the Veterinary Inspector must be disposed of according to the Veterinary Inspector’s instructions. There should be no poultry or other captive birds collected together at trade fairs, markets, shows, exhibitions, or other gatherings within the zone.

This measure is expected to affect all farms and businesses within the marked area where poultry or other captive birds are bred.


Lancs Live)

You are also not allowed to release the birds in the game until the order is canceled.

Veterinary inspectors will also inspect the poultry on the premises and move the poultry to the slaughterhouse within 24 hours of leaving the premises, unless the poultry is transported in a vehicle sealed by the veterinary inspector. Must not be. Their instructions.

The news was announced when the bird flu prevention zone was introduced throughout the United Kingdom, following several confirmed cases.

You are told not to pick up sick or dead birds to prevent further spread of the disease.

Dr. Sakti Carnanity, Head of Public Health and Welfare for the Lancashire County Council, said: “I want to reassure residents that the risk to public health from bird flu is very low.

“But it is important not to pick up sick or dead birds to avoid the spread of viruses that can rarely affect humans.

“If you find dead swans, geese, ducks, or other dead wild birds on the go, please report them to the Defra helpline at 03459 33 5577.

“I also urge the bird zookeeper to be aware of signs of illness and report suspicious cases to the nearest Animal and Plant Health Department.”

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