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Why can’t Boris Johnson keep his face mask on?

Why can’t Boris Johnson keep his face mask on?


Wearing a simple mask does not prevent infection, but it can reduce the spread of the virus (Photo: Reuters).

When I first heard the news Boris Johnson It was reported that during a recent Macbeth performance, he “coughed and splattered” without covering part of the performance with his face, but why he didn’t want to wear a mask. I was wondering if I could see it.

Downing Street did not deny that Johnson was not wearing a mask, but simply stated that he “followed all Covid’s rules.”

But this latest incident happens after the afternoon Not wearing photos When he recently visited the hospital with a masked NHS staff, he apologized but explained that he was not wearing a mask. “Barely 30 seconds” – Also By public transport, or When sitting next to 95-year-old David Attenborough at COP26..

As a professor of neonatal medicine at Imperial College London, I know that some people don’t wear masks because they think they are ineffective. Others just can’t care or think they are immune to the infection.

Whatever the reason, it doesn’t help during a catastrophic pandemic.

Most people understand the benefits of wearing a mask and will gladly do so, especially if they see others doing it. Personally, I wear masks on public transport, at work, in shops, and in crowded areas.

Wearing a simple mask does not prevent infection, but it can reduce coughing, splattering, sneezing, and spread of the virus in droplets from conversation (Covid-19, flu, common colds, etc.). ..

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Also, even if you wear and remove the mask intermittently (for example, to allow someone to read your lips or see your face), it’s better than not wearing the mask at all. It’s a simple act that brings great value to the community.

But in the UK Wearing a mask in a crowded public place remains an option.. According to official figures, 144,000 people have died in Covid-19 so far, and the death toll continues to rise mercilessly.

More people are losing their livelihoods. Long covid from health, This causes symptoms that last for weeks or months after the infection is gone. If wearing a mask can save one’s life or livelihood, why not? If PM sets an example, more people will wear masks and everyone will be safer.

The British Medical Association has urged the government to promote masking in closed communal spaces such as public transport, hospitals, general clinics, venues and crowded stores. However, various messages from the government reported that transport workers and medical staff were verbally and physically abused for asking people to wear masks.

Doctors in places like Northern Ireland are reporting an increasing number of people refusing to wear facial covers, even when attending a hospital. Instead of being together, we are being driven away.

According to a US study published this month, states that introduced mask wear seemed to have the greatest effect on reducing the number of new cases compared to states that did not adopt such measures.

A sense of social acceptance and collaborative action is important to achieve a common goal. Surely the Prime Minister wants the country to come together to defeat Covid-19?

Showing an example is a powerful aspect of leadership (Photo: JEFF J MITCHELL / POOL / AFP via Getty Images)

Those who do not wear masks in public places show the arrogance that undermines the seriousness of Covid-19 and disproportionately harms the most vulnerable, giving them the opportunity to attract the general public in the UK for a common purpose. Ignore it.

Covid-19 has affected everyone, but some have had a much greater impact than others. It increased inequality when the government was talking about “leveling up.”

For example, the Office for National Statistics shows that people living in the least disadvantaged areas of the UK are 2.2 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than those living in the least disadvantaged areas of the United Kingdom. Why would anyone want to exacerbate the pandemic tragedy by not wearing a mask?

Many say that individuals should be trusted to make their own decisions, or that requiring them to wear masks is counterproductive.

The prime minister himself said at a press conference in July that the country “must shift from a universal government diktat to relying on people’s personal responsibilities.” But keep in mind that if someone coughs you, especially if you are frail or vulnerable, there is not much you can do.

Personal liability includes our liability to others, which includes wearing a mask.

After all, setting an example is a powerful aspect of leadership. Prime Minister, this message is for you.

Professor Nina Modi Publish NHSA national organization that campaigns for a fully funded and fully public NHS.

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more : According to experts, face masks, hand washing and increased social distance are still needed.

more : If 95% of people wear masks, “it can save 160,000 lives” from Covid in Europe.

more : Can I recycle my face mask? How bad is it for the environment?




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