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5 Best Shopping Centers in San Diego


5 Best Shopping Centers in San Diego
The buyers. Source: Unsplash

Below is a list of the best shopping centers in San Diego. To help you find the best shopping centers located near you in San Diego, our team of Kevs Bestput has established our own list based on this list of assessment points.

Best shopping centers in San Diegos:

The top rated shopping centers in San Diego are:

  • Danger center
  • Navajo shopping center
  • Clairemont Town Square
  • Fashion Valley
  • Seaport village

Danger center

Danger center is a very accessible shopping complex near 163 and 8 highways. The mall tenants have a lot to offer, including a unique form of entertainment, service centers that offer personalized assistance, and a selection of delicious food. It also has a dance school to develop students’ skills and a modern cinema that presents award-winning films. Its 2000 free parking spaces allow buyers to comfortably enjoy their quest for great finds.


Services, Dance studio, ATM, Health and fitness, Entertainment, Catering


Address: 7610 Hazard Center Dr, San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: (619) 543-8111


Barnes and noble is incredible. And they have a Starbucks inside with fast service. I will definitely come back. I highly recommend you try them out. Something for everyone. -Bonnie Dines

Navajo shopping center

Navajo Shopping Center
Navajo shopping center. Source: Screenshot from

Navajo shopping center is a small shopping center in the center of the San Diego community that can easily access the I-8 and SR 125 highways. Its building structure can be seen connected to the Albertsons and Rite Aid. Products and services such as pet essentials, spa treatments, bagels, burgers, pizza, and staples can be purchased at the mall. It is maintained and continuously improved by its owner, the Regency Centers. They commissioned respected local designers and artists to decorate the place.


Grocery store, Pet store, Services, Health and fitness, Restaurant, Jewelry


Address: 8650 Lake Murray Blvd, San Diego, CA 92119
Phone: (858) 847-4600


I needed a quick snack and the staff were very helpful with suggestions. I appreciated the atmosphere that the staff had. The staff also didn’t seem crazy to be at work, which is great. -Anthony Gomez

Clairemont Town Square

Clairemont Town Square has a collection of boutiques, retail centers, restaurants and food outlets. The shopping center meets all the needs of buyers, milk, food cravings specific to a favorite shoe brand. They offer exclusive offers, promotions and discounts to E-club cardholders, which is the mall’s own rewards program. For future tenants, a look on their website will direct you to the rental conditions and information.


Accessories, Children’s clothing, Department stores, Restaurants, Services, Health and fitness, Cinema, Men’s and women’s clothing


Address: 4821 Clairemont Dr, San Diego, CA 92117
Phone: (858) 272-0992


I love the restaurants and their outdoor seating, and the theater all within walking distance. The restaurants really stepped it up, especially Dinos, offering excellent food, a bar and an outdoor atmosphere. The rest of the retailers make shopping quick and easy. -Justin Carver

Fashion Valley

Fashion Valleys management intends to carry out an intensive transformation of the shopping center. They gathered ideas that mainly copy the landscape and the beauty of the region. First of all, the beautification will focus on creating more open areas for the enjoyment of the public. Next is the installation of aquatic entertainment facilities and larger dining rooms. And finally, an improved valet and concierge service to properly meet the needs of buyers.


Food, movies, men’s fashion, women’s fashion, services, charging stations for electric vehicles, children’s playground, rides at reduced prices


Address: 7007 Friars Rd, San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: (619) 688-9113


Lots of high-end shops, so no surprises, but good shopping. Lots of shopping options and very well maintained. The retail staff were very friendly and helpful. -Colleen Statt

Seaport village

Seaport village has an amazing location facing the water. The mall has more than 50 stores, 13 restaurants, and outdoor entertainment. Live musical performances and the busker fest provide auditory and visual delight to buyers, especially children. Not to mention their ocean optimism program which channels ocean conservation through science in the form of data collected by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Birch Aquarium. During the holidays, the shopping center joins the celebrations with its own decorations and artists. Most recently, the Port of San Diego announced plans to redevelop the Seaport Village. This renovation has not yet started to embellish the Embarcadero Central.


Souvenirs and souvenirs, Restaurants, Live music, Ocean optimism, Busker party, Bay side vacations, Clothes, Art, Toys


Address: 849 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (619) 530-0704


Location, location, location! You can’t beat the location. It’s a great place to walk around and shop, but most of the shops are reserved for tourists. We usually take a pretzel or ice cream when we walk. There was a good pizzeria but it looks like it is closed. They had good Chicago style pizza and NY style pizza. Overall, it’s a fun place to visit. -Jon Shigetomi

Amy Burford

Amy Burford is a reporter for Kev’s Best. After graduating from UCLA, Amy got an internship at a local radio station and worked as a reporter and beat producer. Amy also worked as a columnist for the Brookings Register. Amy covers economic and community events for Kev’s Best.

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