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Travel and corona trip: a man who traveled about 400 kilometers to cause trouble for Prime Minister Boris Johnson


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Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now at the center of political turmoil following reports that his adviser had visited the country.

The distance around 400 Kiiloomiitar with his wife and baby to ban the spread of the Korona virus in the UK.

Dominic Cummings, the Prime Minister’s adviser, said on Monday that he “had a reasonable tradition” when he visited the Durham region of north-east England to visit the property of his parents.

At the time, he was accompanied by his sick wife. Cummings said he and his wife “faced a difficult situation” when caring for their child.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed support for the political adviser said that the law is observed during a spiritual journey together followed the medical advice of Looga Hortaggayo disease.

“I know that millions of people have the disease while thousands of people have died,” said Cummings.

It is under pressure from Cummings to explain the reasons why he imposed a safaray on the British by covering the looga hortaggayo curfew in Korona, but no excuse did not give the incident, he also said that he qotrsheyneynin had resigned.


As the number of deaths from the disease has increased in Europe, the British government has received strong support for this situation.

At a time when the effects of the disease have had a devastating impact on the UK, people are counting on the government to get the news they want.

Public opinion has shown that support for Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his government has increased.

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces biggest political challenge since taking office

But there are also political troubles before the end of the current crisis with consultant Dominic Cummings.

Britain will continue its efforts to prevent Covid looga-19 disease compared to other European countries, health workers and the provision of equipment to resist the disease and also runs general investigation services on the disease.

Who is Dominic Cummings

Dominic Cummings is the most important British politician.

Although not elected, Cummings is considered to be the brains behind Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union and the victory of Prime Minister Johnson in the elections.

Currently, he is a consultant to the British Prime Minister.

Most of the main speeches are prepared by the Prime Minister, but the ideas come from Mr. Cummings.

He is one of the most influential figures in the country, which is why he is currently detained, when other government advisers do not know it.

What must you?

Cummings was one of the government officials who was at the heart of implementing the ban on controlling the virus.

The ban came into effect on March 23, he said that anyone who was sick or a family member stayed at home.

Dominic Cummings did not comment on this.

Dominic is said to have traveled approximately 400 kilometers, driven the car to his sick wife and 4-year-old son, and went to a house with his parents.

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Dominic cummings

He says that with the support of Prime Minister Johnson, it shows his concern for the health of his son.

The concept, according to some politicians, that Cummings’ actions are not against the law but violate the ban because many people have been forced to stay at home.

Why is this question interesting?

There is no doubt that this is one of the biggest challenges in Boris Johnson’s politics, and it rests on two factors.

First and foremost: many people are angry with the action of their advisor, people believe that the public and public servants are guided by one law.

Some people reacted with anger, tens of thousands of people said that could be the case since the dead were not visited or did not attend the funeral of the Korona virus.

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Dominic Cummings left his home on May 24

Conservative MPs are skeptical about this, while some MPs are skeptical about the Prime Minister’s situation.

Now his constituents are sending angry texts, and they wonder if Johnson has lost his job.

It is important to note that while Prime Minister Boris Johnson has the support of members of Parliament, it seems that most Conservative politicians are on the side of their Prime Minister and their government.

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