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What Boris Johnson should have known


In the decades that followed, the calculations of politicians and the personal dilemmas of politicians may have changed in their specifics, but in their basic nature they have remained remarkably unchanged.

Over the past few days, Boris Johnsons’ government has been bowled over by the revelation that his senior advisor, Dominic Cummings, appears to have flouted the lock laws he helped create. Cummings traveled hundreds of miles with his sick child and wife to stay on his parents’ farm in the north east of England. While the advice in the country was to stay at home, Cummings left his; while people were dying alone, quarantined from their families, Cummings went to his house, in case his child needed care.

Since the news appeared on the front pages of the Daily Mirror and the Guardian, public disgust has broken out. In the Johnsons Conservative Party, more than a dozen MPs called for the resignation of Cummings, and an assistant minister resigned. In an attempt to temper the outrage, Cummings held his own press conference in Downing Street Garden, refused to apologize, and said he would not resign, but acknowledged public concern about of his decisions was reasonable, given the daily compromises people had to make.

In any event, whatever the rights and wrongs of the Cummings account, he and his boss did not ask the same basic questions that Churchill felt compelled to ask at the height of his authority, when it has obtained approval rates of over 90%. Cummings did not seek professional or political advice before embarking on his journey, which is at the very least subject to serious questions as to whether and when he complied with the government’s own locking guidelines. he told his boss, no action was taken. When the media started asking questions, no information was provided. Having not asked for advice on the moral issue, as Churchill had done in 1942, Cummings and Johnson then failed to ask the professional: Will the story come out? Failure to properly test the two questions posed Johnson the most serious challenge to his public reputation and authority since his election victory in December.

The parallels are imperfect, but Johnson, a Churchill biographer, would surely be aware of this. Like his hero, Johnson has high approval rates (although not as high as Churchills), and thanks to emergency coronavirus legislation, has accumulated enormous powers over the lives of every Briton. Yet, less than a year after taking office, he faces invigorated opposition and growing questions about his government’s management of a pandemic that has killed more people in Britain than anywhere else than in the USA.

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