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Pfizer conducting “neutralization test” with COVID-19 vaccine

Pfizer conducting “neutralization test” with COVID-19 vaccine
Pfizer conducting “neutralization test” with COVID-19 vaccine


Appearance of Omicron variant Renewed the fear of a new coronavirus developing mutations that would allow it to evade existing vaccines, but Pfizer and BioNTech companies are now rapidly using data available in the coming weeks. We are running tests in response to widespread mutations.

“Pfizer and BioNTech remain vigilant and continue to focus on monitoring new variants that may escape vaccine protection,” a Pfizer spokeswoman said. I told the TV station. “We have begun conducting neutralization tests on new Omicron mutants of concern and expect to receive initial data in the coming weeks.”

BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin told news agency Reuters at a meeting on Friday that fine-tuned vaccines will not be available “timely” if new variants are rapidly developed, such as the Omicron variant. He said there was a possibility.

“If we develop a new vaccine, it will take about 100 days to develop and distribute or start distributing the new vaccine, so we will not be able to prevent the first wave of infection with the new vaccine. Vaccine “.

Related: Pfizer urges FDA to expand emergency use of COVID-19 booster to include 16 and 17 years old

Sahin’s comments are the same as other comments made by top COVID-19 vaccine maker officials earlier this week.

Dr. Paul Burton, Modena’s Chief Medical Officer, told The Associated Press on Monday.

In addition, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said a high dose of 100 micrograms of the company’s booster shots could be prepared much sooner.

“Higher doses can be done quickly, but it will take months before the Omicron-specific mutants are ready to be shipped in large quantities,” Bansel said. He told CNBC’s “Squawk Box”.

Pfizer continues in that statement: With regulatory approval, a bespoke vaccine against the variant can be developed and manufactured in approximately 100 days. “

Meanwhile, Sahin told Reuters that those currently vaccinated with shots and boosters need “sufficient protection.”

Related: Moderna has tested three COVID-19 booster vaccines with Omicron variants and Pfizer is ready to adapt

It’s not currently clear if the new variant causes severe COVID-19, but Sahin says, “We expect vaccinated infected people to still be protected from severe illness.” I added.

Burton also added that, tentatively, acquiring boosters would continue to be a “very important first line of defense.”

Germany’s BioNTech and Pfizer have partnered to produce one of the first vaccines against COVID-19 and were the first to obtain a booster shot approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Based on early evidence, the World Health Organization warns that the global risk of Omicron mutants is “very high,” saying that mutated coronaviruses can lead to surges with “serious consequences.” Stated.

President Joe Biden called the new coronavirus variant Omicron a source of concern, but said it was “not the cause of panic” and that he was not considering a widespread blockade. He urged Americans to be fully vaccinated, including booster shots, and to return to indoor face masks in public to delay their spread.

On Thursday, the Biden administration submitted proof that all travelers to the United States, regardless of nationality or vaccination status, had a negative COVID-19 test within one day of boarding the plane. Announced that it must be done.

Immigrant testing will begin next week and will be reduced from the current three days for vaccinated people.

Related: Omicron: South African scientists prepare for waves driven by varieties

Separately, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has expanded the COVID-19 Booster Shot recommendation to include all adults over the age of 18 for the new variant. The agency had previously approved boosters for all adults, but only recommended boosters for people over the age of 50 or living in long-term care facilities.

In a statement, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said, “People over the age of 18 will get a booster shot six months after the first Pfizer or Moderna series, or two months after the first J & J vaccine. You need to get it. “

WHO said there is “significant uncertainty” about Omicron variants. However, preliminary evidence states that it increases the likelihood that a mutant will have a mutation that may help avoid a reaction in the immune system and increase its ability to spread from one person to another. ..

Related: Omicron COVID-19 cases detected in Colorado

“Depending on these characteristics, future spikes in COVID-19 can occur and can have serious consequences, depending on many factors, including where the spikes can occur. I added. “The overall global risk is … rated very high.”

WHO emphasized that the country should accelerate vaccination as soon as possible while scientists are looking for evidence to better understand this variant.

The Associated Press, Catherine Park, and Kelly Hayes contributed to this report.





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