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Quebec COVID-19: What You Need to Know on Monday

Quebec COVID-19: What You Need to Know on Monday
Quebec COVID-19: What You Need to Know on Monday


  • Quebec reported on Sunday 1,256 new cases of COVID-19 and one new death.
  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 454,636 confirmed cases and 11,587 deaths.
  • There are 219 people in the hospital (down 6 people), 59 of whom are in the intensive care unit (down 1 person).
  • As of Friday, the state received 13,695,097 COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Eighty-six percent of the state’s eligible population (aged 5 and older) are vaccinated once and 81% are vaccinated twice.

Note: Quebec immunization rates have been adjusted to include ages 5-11, resulting in a lower overall rate. Group vaccination began last week.

The Quebec Department of Health does not disclose the number of vaccines given on weekends and public holidays.

Quebec families with children in day care will be available for rapid testing today.

Day care distributes five test kits to parents and guardians because children under the age of five are still too young to be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

A total of 1.5 million tests will be conducted as part of efforts to reduce the number of day care and CPE cases.

Currently, more than half of the outbreaks in the state are related to nursery schools, kindergartens and primary schools.

NACI recommends booster dose

The National Advisory Board on Immunity in Canada (NACI) currently strongly recommends booster vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine for all Canadians over the age of 50. This recommendation also applies to healthcare professionals, indigenous peoples, people living in collective medical facilities, and all people who have been vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine alone.

According to a recommendation issued on Friday, NACI, the Commission currently recommends that Canadians aged 18-49 years receive a third mRNA dose at least 6 months after the second dose.

New guidance comes after some states have moved to provide more boosters.

In Quebec, booster doses are only available to people over the age of 70, those with weakened immunity, and those who have been vaccinated twice with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

Determination of third vaccine dose

Quebec will wait for advice from the Director of Public Health before expanding access to the COVID-19 booster vaccine, Health Minister Christian Duvet said Friday.

Duvet, who told reporters in Quebec City, said he was hoping for a booster decision from Dr. Horacio Arruda, director of public health this week.

“He made some very good calls during these tough decisions,” says DubĂ©, who says Quebec’s vaccination program has longer first and second dose intervals than the vaccine manufacturer recommends. Ottawa added that he had violated federal guidelines in the past, including if he chose.

Hospitalization is expected to increase in the coming weeks

According to the government’s medical research institute, COVID-19-related hospitalizations are expected to increase across the state.

Known for its French acronym INESSS, the institute said in a forecast report released Thursday that cases could have nearly doubled in the past month, equivalent to a 30% increase in hospitalizations. Said there is.

Although the number of cases in the intensive care unit is stable, patients over the age of 70 account for 35% of all hospitalizations in the state.

Increasing cases are seen in all age groups, but adolescents aged 12 to 17 are the hardest hit, with 53% increase in cases in that age group.

Current projections do not consider Omicron variants.The laboratory says that the effects of Omicron are “its transmissibility, severity, and [vaccine efficacy] is known. “

Top COVID-19 Story

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

  • heat.
  • A new or worsening cough.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Sudden loss of smell without stuffy nose.
  • Gastrointestinal problems (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.).
  • sore throat
  • General muscle aches.
  • headache.
  • Malaise.
  • Decreased appetite.

If you suspect you may be infected with COVID-19, the government calls 1-877-644-4545 and asks you to schedule an appointment at the screening clinic.

To book a COVID-19 vaccine, please visit the online portal You can also call 1-877-644-4545.

You can find information about COVID-19 in the state here Information about the situation in Montreal here..




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