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The White House COVID Advisor describes the keys to community, home testing and vaccination | Chicago News

The White House COVID Advisor describes the keys to community, home testing and vaccination | Chicago News
The White House COVID Advisor describes the keys to community, home testing and vaccination | Chicago News


Early in the pandemic, it became clear that Chicago’s black and brown populations were unbalancedly affected by the coronavirus.

Dr. Cameron Webb also saw it work through his work in Virginia’s Internal Medicine, which informed him of his role as Senior Policy Adviser to the White House COVID-19 Response Team.

He said President Joe Biden’s direction rewarded the focus of his commitment to equity.

“Nationally, the rates of cases, hospitalizations and deaths are much better in the color community than white Americans, so we’ve seen really strong improvements. And much of it is due to vaccination efforts, “Webb told WTTW News. “Adult immunization rates are about the same among black, white and Latin adults. And that’s really good news. It’s fairness, as opposed to what some people believed. It shows that it is not a desire. It can be achieved by placing it in the center. “

look: Demographic trends of people receiving COVID-19 vaccination in the United States

Its centralization requires recognition of the historical and contemporary dynamics of the community and maintaining its top priorities in targeted outreach activities.

Saturday is one year since the FDA first granted an emergency use authorization to the first Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for adults.

In Illinois, black and brown individuals are lagging behind in taking booster shots, which doctors believe will help protect them from Omicron.

look: Illinois Public Health Service COVID-19 Vaccine Management Data

According to the Illinois Public Health Service, almost 11% of fully vaccinated people in Illinois and Latin Americans are black, accounting for almost 15%.

By comparison, less than 9% of people who receive booster shots are black and more than 8% are Latino.

According to the Illinois Public Health Service, almost 11% of fully vaccinated people in Illinois and Latin Americans are black, accounting for almost 15%. By comparison, less than 9% of people who receive booster shots are black and more than 8% are Latino.  (WTTW News)According to the Illinois Public Health Service, almost 11% of fully vaccinated people in Illinois and Latin Americans are black, accounting for almost 15%. By comparison, less than 9% of people who receive booster shots are black and more than 8% are Latino. (WTTW News)

Dr. Webb suggested: Give me time. Extensive booster efforts are relatively new.

“About a week and a half ago, the CDC’s recommendation said that all adults need to take boosters. I think that’s when you really start talking. How do all adults get theirs? Can you make sure you get the booster? “He said. “We work with community-based and belief-based organizations, working with local partners and communities across the country to ensure that it happens. Importantly, its scientific recommendations are made. Make sure people know why and where to go to get a booster.

On Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that 16 and 17 years old also receive boosters.

The next step for the White House to combat COVID requires a rapid response team (to supply treatment when approved) and a faster home examination when cases are increasing.

look: President Biden announces new actions to protect Americans from Delta and Omicron variants in the fight against COVID-⁠19 this winter.

“The ability to know if a runny nose or stuffy nose in the middle of winter is a common cold or COVID in December each year makes a big difference to the workplace, children’s school and your workplace. The whole community. “As Mr. Webb said.

A quick home test (if not sold out) can cost about $ 20 each. This is a price that many people can’t afford, especially with frequent clips, and free test sites can be inconvenient or take longer. another.

Biden’s plan requires that millions of home tests be distributed through community sites so that insured people can get a refund for home test kits.

Critics point out that getting a refund is a tedious and complex process, and the demand for free community testing can quickly outpace the supply, which is sufficient to be effective. I doubt.

“There is no one way to help everyone,” says Webb. “We know that for many Americans, especially those who have been hit hardest, you can get a free test from a library or a free test from a food bank or federal qualification. Health centers. Therefore, through different mechanisms. Combining these, there are different strategies to reach different people. “

Webb is currently in the Washington, DC area, but spent several years in Chicago when he attended Loyola Law School. (Yes, he is a lawyer as well as a doctor).

“Chicago has a lot of great leaders and a lot of great medical centers. We know that they are always serving different parts of the community. Importantly, the resources you have. To actually take advantage of and connect it with the community, ”says Webb.

Webb is a community-based hairdresser initiative while in the city Dr. Thomas Fisher of the University of Chicago..

“Such on-site efforts will be key to our ongoing efforts to address some of the disparities and inequality we see regarding COVID,” Webb said. ..

Saturday is two weeks before Christmas. If you have a Johnson & Johnson vaccine or booster, it’s a good time to do it before the holiday festival between now and December 11th, Chicago Public Health Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwadi said.

Arwady said you don’t have to wait for a boost if you’re vaccinated but still infected with COVID. Must be quarantined. However, once that minimum of 10 days is complete, you can be confident that you will get the recommended booster shots.

Saturday is two weeks before Christmas. If you have a Johnson & Johnson vaccine or booster, it’s a good time to do it before the holiday festival between now and December 11th, Chicago Public Health Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwadi said.

Arwady said you don’t have to wait for a boost if you’re vaccinated but still infected with COVID. Must be quarantined. However, after at least 10 days, you can be confident that you will get the recommended booster shots.

Follow Amanda Vinicky on Twitter: @AmandaVinicky




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